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Hmm, an upgrade from my 7800gt found?

BFG is looking very nice to me right now because my BFG 6800 GT that I bought for my parents computer years ago mainly for Half-Life 2 (among other games) finally died recently and due to their lifetime warranty, I got a whole new one for free like two days after mailing the old one back to them.

Also, seeing as I'm only gaming on a 19" CRT monitor (screw LCD and your strain on my eyes ), I don't think I'll need the power of such high resolutions used in their tests, but I would like to be able to use the higher resolutions the monitor can deliver. The COD4 frame rate part in the review really helped to increase the interest for me because I played the demo version of COD4 which was "The Bog" level and my frame rates chugged a bit with my 7800gt and some high settings.

Does anybody know if it supports HDCP? I've always wanted to hook up my computer to a TV and a DVI-HDMI connector seems rather convenient to do such a task. *edit* nevermind,