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There is a large review of the current 9600 brands from Guru3d.

"Ladies and gentlemen .. run to the stores, grab a GeForce 9600 GT and go & play games like Call of Duty 4, World in Conflict, Ghost Recon 2. Then enable some good image quality settings at fair resolutions and you'll be able to take in the entire experience with very acceptable framerates.

Today we'll take do something special; we'll take six of the new 9600 GT cards from BFG, eVGA, ECS, Galaxy, Point of View and NVIDIA's reference card; then look at the technical specifications, power consumption, product diversity and finally take them for a test-spin on on the latest games and stress the cards until they tremble and stutter in the pain vain that is called the Guru3D test system.

Rock on dude, to the next page please :) "

I just started reading it, we'll see how their opinions differ.

"It's not an easy task to categorize the awards, but again .. in the end you decide what to purchase, not me. With that being said I'll close this article. The GeForce 9600 GT product series offer you heaps of features and just a very pleasurable gaming experience at exceedingly reasonable resolutions as this is the first time we see a sub-200 USD product shift towards playable resolutions of 1600x1200.  The GeForce 9600 GT series is a truly grand graphics card in the mid-range segment and we can recommend it a lot."


I guess the thing would be that for a little bit more, both reviewers would recommend something like a 8800 GT or 8800 GT 512MB GTS instead, but the 9600gt 512 is a good mid-range card.