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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - GDC: More from Molyneux

I guess time will tell.

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Legend11 said:
I'm curious, do you plan on using a Wiimote and Nunchuk with SSBB or a gamecube controller? Which do you think will prove to be the superior control scheme for that game?

I actually got to play with both recently. I played about 6 hours of Brawl on an import copy a freind of a freind had on campus. I was far more comfortable with the Gamecube controller since I still play Melee at least once a week and am trained to it, but with the right button mapping done for the Wiimote and Nunchuk it's no harder to use.  You can customize your button mapping in Brawl (another nice PC innovation making its way to consoles).

In the end, I'm not sure which I'll use, but the Wiimote and Nunchuk controls are not inherintly gimped, and for someone who hadn't ever played it on the gamecube would be just as functional. Of course, I'm not arguing at all that the Wiimote and Nunchuk are superior for every genre of game, including this one. Just that they are for some.

I knew somethign was missing from this thread, because it looked like naz was talking to himself. Then I realized - Legend is banned? So people just disappearfrom the forum when banned now?

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

^ I was like wth why is naz talking to himself. Then I was like where is he getting these quotes from?

Wow. Molyneux wasn't trying to "rile" Wii fans up, he's just ignorant of the facts about the system. Eurogamer even called him on it, and then he brought up a bullshit anecdote about attach rate WHICH IS UNTRUE!!!!!

At the very least, his bullshit information is pre december 07.

I loved Fable 1 and Black and White, but this retard has just lost himself a Fable 2 sale, and I don't care if he cares or not.

How can he just make shit up, to act like he knows what he's talking about and not get in any kind of trouble. I'll just call up the police and tell them there are dead bodies everywhere, and when there are none I'll just say "I saw them around here somewhere."

There is a time and a place to keep your f'n mouth shut, imo.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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...and yes, Legend is an arrogant smug prick that you just want to stab to death everytime you see his profile pic, but you can't blame him for standing up for his company, thick or thin. What you CAN blame and BAN him for, is flaming other consoles just because he sees them as a threat to his sacred 360.

There is no ugliness like the hatred and malicious treatment of a console you don't own, with no provocation, in an attempt to make that consoles fans feel like shit. Pardon my language lately, but GDC has me ran ragged, and Molyneux needs to get his facts straight. He spews more lies than the New York Times.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


ClaudeLv250 said:
I knew somethign was missing from this thread, because it looked like naz was talking to himself. Then I realized - Legend is banned? So people just disappearfrom the forum when banned now?

Yes, posts return when they are unbanned, and they remain in the poster's posting history so that they can be checked on at any time by the users or mods. This was added as a response to Solidar's spamming. Now, when we ban him, not only does it take him 10 minutes to register a new email account before making a new forum account, but his posts will cease to exist, and not clutter up the forums. It's actually very nice IMO.

Also, Zenfolder, whether you agree with Legend or not, do not call him a prick, and tone down the violent language.  This is a warning. 

Anyone else remember how Molyneux was going gaga over the Wii remote? He was one of the first to commit to making a Wii game also. I understand he's been buried under MS's pile of cash, but a little consistency would be nice.

Still, I like the guy. He's ambitious, tries to innovate, and is excited about what he does. I hope Fable 2 ends up being the landmark title he's been chasing after.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

kingofwale said:
>Peter Molyneux: You can. The funny thing about that is, for third-party publishers, the Wii is probably just as expensive as PS3 - if not more so - because you've got to downgrade all the graphics and change the control mechanism.

I'm by no mean a Wii fanboy, but I have to disagree with this bitterly.

Are you telling me Ninjabread man or Chicken Shoot downgraded their graphics? NO WAY, that's all their programmers are capable of. Nobody downgrades their graphics, they just don't have to try hard to make it look good, that's not hard to do.

Changing control mechanism in most games are cheap too, instead of pressing "X"/"A" button for attack, you waggle your Wiimote, are you honestly telling me that's going to be expensive?

In conclusive, No, he's wrong.

I blinked there too, then realized he was almost certainly talking about multi-platform development, and there he is likely right.

Converting from the 360 to the PS3 is a job of converting the coding from one system to the other. By most accounts the PS3 is unwieldy, so this is likely fairly expensive.

Converting to the Wii may be simpler in coding terms, but it involves overhauling the graphics engine and the control scheme.">">

naznatips said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
I knew somethign was missing from this thread, because it looked like naz was talking to himself. Then I realized - Legend is banned? So people just disappearfrom the forum when banned now?

Yes, posts return when they are unbanned, and they remain in the poster's posting history so that they can be checked on at any time by the users or mods. This was added as a response to Solidar's spamming. Now, when we ban him, not only does it take him 10 minutes to register a new email account before making a new forum account, but his posts will cease to exist, and not clutter up the forums. It's actually very nice IMO.

Also, Zenfolder, whether you agree with Legend or not, do not call him a prick, and tone down the violent language. This is a warning.

I just read this, so check the time log before you ban me, if your gonna, lol.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.