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Legend11 said:
I'm curious, do you plan on using a Wiimote and Nunchuk with SSBB or a gamecube controller? Which do you think will prove to be the superior control scheme for that game?

I actually got to play with both recently. I played about 6 hours of Brawl on an import copy a freind of a freind had on campus. I was far more comfortable with the Gamecube controller since I still play Melee at least once a week and am trained to it, but with the right button mapping done for the Wiimote and Nunchuk it's no harder to use.  You can customize your button mapping in Brawl (another nice PC innovation making its way to consoles).

In the end, I'm not sure which I'll use, but the Wiimote and Nunchuk controls are not inherintly gimped, and for someone who hadn't ever played it on the gamecube would be just as functional. Of course, I'm not arguing at all that the Wiimote and Nunchuk are superior for every genre of game, including this one. Just that they are for some.