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Wow. Molyneux wasn't trying to "rile" Wii fans up, he's just ignorant of the facts about the system. Eurogamer even called him on it, and then he brought up a bullshit anecdote about attach rate WHICH IS UNTRUE!!!!!

At the very least, his bullshit information is pre december 07.

I loved Fable 1 and Black and White, but this retard has just lost himself a Fable 2 sale, and I don't care if he cares or not.

How can he just make shit up, to act like he knows what he's talking about and not get in any kind of trouble. I'll just call up the police and tell them there are dead bodies everywhere, and when there are none I'll just say "I saw them around here somewhere."

There is a time and a place to keep your f'n mouth shut, imo.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.