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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Did you buy wii because of price or is it just better?

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b) Because it is better


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Hell with the letters! Here are my reasons:

1. Epic Nintendo games
2. There are finally a slew of great 3rd party titles on the way in 2008!
(rock band, okami, dah:big willy unleashed, boom blox, rygar, tales, project o, opoona) games that cube never got!(except tales)
3. the most immersive console out there!

Damn things have changed since 2009 began. Here are my new visions for the end of the generation.


Wii: 135 mil

Ps3: 85 mil

360: 60 mil

True Genius

Actually for both of those reasons, Nintendo has the best exclusive games.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

c) other - for the exclusive games

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From my point of view the initial price of a console doesn't matter much. It doesn't matter if you pay 200$ or 600$ for a console and long as you end up paying about $2000 for accessories and games anyway.


c) for the games. Fire Emblem alone made me buy this console, even if it'll only be released in 3 weeks in Europe. It has Mario Party too, and Tales of Symphonia sequel. There, 3 games already, and I have bought too much games for it already.
That's without counting all the games on the VC, some RPG I wanted to play, even though I had ROM for them, it's just more convenient.
This console is awesome. Made me buy a HDTV too, now it looks amazing.

B) It was better in terms of games and just overall better to the rest b.c
it appeals to the whole fammily

like many have said, the games. nintendo hasnt disappointed me yet in terms of quality and being mainly a pc gamer, saw no other choice in consoles.
like for 360, no one i know owns one, so live doesnt appeal to me. also there's the reliability, uncomfortable controller and the fact most of their decent games are on pc anyways.
for ps3, it was initially because of the high price/lack of good exclusives/format war but with 2 of the 3 solved, im pretty sure ill pick one up in the near future.

C. Games