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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why I feel Knack and Ryse: Son of Rome are best launch titles.

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Wright said:

But Dead Rising 3 destroys both. That's the best launch title.

Couldnt get into Dead Rising 3.  It seems fun so I'll dive back in soon.  Infamous, Killzone MP, and Titanfall taking up a lot of my time.

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jonathanalis said:
Man, go with wii U and you will be happy.
SM3DW would be a marter piece for you.

I'll be picking up the Will U sometime in the next 3-6 months.  Probably will be my family gaming console.

Mikeanheath said:
I completely agree with you on games not needing to be complex to be fun. In my opinion Outlast is one of the best games on PS4 and it's so simple as far as gameplay, but it's done so well.

As far as Knack and Ryse; I've played only played about half of Knack but what I did play was fun. It's one of those simple attack and dodge mechanics games. It's an art style targeted for kids it shouldn't have complex controls anyway. I haven't played Ryse, so I can't give my opinion on that, but from the videos and reviews I've seen it seems like the lack of enemy variety created a stale game the longer you played. One thing about Knack I noticed was that there were so many different enemy types. Having more variety can go a long way in keeping the gameplay fresh, but you're right games don't need to innovate to be fun games.

Ryse does send the same type of enemies at you, but the "boss" or end of chapter enemies are pretty fresh.  And for comparisons sake AC gets high 80s scores every game and it's the same enemies every game.

For me it was Killer Instinct and Forza 5. I did enjoy Ryse though and i hope they make a sequel to it. So much potential. Though if MSFT owns it i hope they give it to a different dev because Crytek really lacks on the story telling department.

I havent played Knack so i cant say anything about it.


sales2099 said:
celador said:
sales2099 said:
Both are great concepts that lack polish.

That said, Ryse gets points for its graphics, story and bad-assery. That is something metacritic won't tell you.

Reviewers always take graphics and story into account when rating a game, so I'm not really sure what you mean here

Fair enough. I am saying that while their metas are near identical, most core gamers you approach would prefer Ryse due to those points I mentioned.

That said, that is just my take and hope this doesn't escalate (that goes for others who read this!). These are the flops of our launches need to get defensive here (not you celador but prospective fans).

That is the problem, what is a core gamer? someone who plays COD/AC/BF/Halo/Gears/Killzone/God of War? I don't think gamers who love those games are core gamers. I think core gamers like variety and grew up on Mario, Gauntlet, Crash and the other titles I mentioned.  Which I couldn't understand how someone who loved those games would transform into COD etc. lovers.

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I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

I enjoyed Knack's simplicity and art style as well. It looks pretty slick. If the story and characters weren't so mediocre, it would get way more respect. I really think it deserves a sequel, to try at least one more time to get it right.

I think they are the perfect games because they set the bar so low, that any decent/good game is the next coming of jesus (a la TF and ISS)

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

I don't know about Ryse, but Knack lacks charisma. The story had potential but they didn't know how to do it right. Other than that the game is pretty fun and challenging.


d21lewis said:
I don't know about Knack but I find myself wanting to play Ryse more and more as time passes. It can't be that bad, can it?

I actually traded in Ryse after I beat it to see what the hoopla was about with the higher rated games but found myself board with Assassin's Creed/Tomb Raider/Battlefield and ended up getting Ryse back.