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Forums - Sony Discussion - Top 10 PSN downloads since launch

Can anyone tell me which games on PSN are ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES? Please be serious. :)

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ssj12 said:
from the US/UK list I have

* flOw
* Mortal Kombat II
* Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
* High Velocity Bowling
* Super Stardust HD
* Calling All Cars
* Aquatopia
* Everyday Shooter
* LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
* Gripshift
* Lemmings



You have the BD version Warhawk, so the only game on the US/UK list you don't have is the duck game....


It (PS3's market share) might hit 30%, but definently not more. ~ Neo

Flaming (Calling another user (any user) a fanboy is flaming.) ~ Machina-AX

I'm really surprised at Mortal Kombat 2 sales.

@ nyanks

Super Stardust HD, Calling All Cars, Everyday Shooter, PixelJunk Monsters, and fl0w are my favorites.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

wenlan said:
ssj12 said:
from the US/UK list I have

* flOw
* Mortal Kombat II
* Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
* High Velocity Bowling
* Super Stardust HD
* Calling All Cars
* Aquatopia
* Everyday Shooter
* LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
* Gripshift
* Lemmings



You have the BD version Warhawk, so the only game on the US/UK list you don't have is the duck game....


He has also over looked snakeball. I have Aquatopia, flOw, Super Rub a dub, PIyotama, GO puzzle, LocoRoco Cocoreccho!, Operation Creature Feature, Everyday Shooter and Snakeball. @nyanks Try the snakeball demo, then imagine having a few people over for multiplayer, or online multiplayer. Its actually really fun in a group. Of course its not a competition. EDIT: sorry, i mis-read the whole point of the SSJ12's list and of the reply.

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NYANKS said:
Can anyone tell me which games on PSN are ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES? Please be serious. :)


Everyday Shooter and Calling all Cars FTW! Works of gaming art. 

My Top 5:

Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger

My 2 nex-gen systems: PS3 and Wii

Prediction Aug '08: We see the PSP2 released fall '09. Graphically, it's basically the same as the current system. UMD drive ditched and replaced by 4-8gb on board flash memory. Other upgrades: 2nd analog nub, touchscreen, blutooth, motion sensor. Design: Flip-style or slider. Size: Think Iphone. Cost: $199. Will be profitable on day 1.

wow flow? surprise surprise.

Dogs Rule said:
wenlan said:
ssj12 said:
from the US/UK list I have

* flOw
* Mortal Kombat II
* Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
* High Velocity Bowling
* Super Stardust HD
* Calling All Cars
* Aquatopia
* Everyday Shooter
* LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
* Gripshift
* Lemmings



You have the BD version Warhawk, so the only game on the US/UK list you don't have is the duck game....


He has also over looked snakeball. I have Aquatopia, flOw, Super Rub a dub, PIyotama, GO puzzle, LocoRoco Cocoreccho!, Operation Creature Feature, Everyday Shooter and Snakeball. @nyanks Try the snakeball demo, then imagine having a few people over for multiplayer, or online multiplayer. Its actually really fun in a group. Of course its not a competition.

i was only using the 2 top 10 lists to make my list. i own snakeball and a ton of other PSN titles.

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ssj12 said:
from the US/UK list I have

* flOw
* Mortal Kombat II
* Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection
* High Velocity Bowling
* Super Stardust HD
* Calling All Cars
* Aquatopia
* Everyday Shooter
* LocoRoco Cocoreccho!
* Gripshift
* Lemmings

What the hell do you do with Aquatopia?  Stupid Game Informer gave it a thumbs up so I put by $2 in for it and the only thing you can do is feed fish, right?  I'd like it as a screen saver if that's an option...otherwise, it's not a game.  Endless Ocean is more of a game.

NYANKS said:
Can anyone tell me which games on PSN are ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES? Please be serious. :)

I would say Calling All Cars but it seems no one plays it online anymore.  The reason?  Probably lack of online stats, which I believe might be a problem for Super Smash Bros. on the Wii...if yo uhave some friends you should definitely get that game.  It's probably the best 4-player offline game for the PS3 right now.  flOw is another good 4-player game but not for as long as CAC.

Anyway, Super Stardust HD is awesome, and I'm disappointed it's not in the top 5 since it's the highest rated PSN game so far (according to metacritic and such).  I like that game because you can switch to look at all of your friends scores.  Nice feature.