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NYANKS said:
Can anyone tell me which games on PSN are ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES? Please be serious. :)

I would say Calling All Cars but it seems no one plays it online anymore.  The reason?  Probably lack of online stats, which I believe might be a problem for Super Smash Bros. on the Wii...if yo uhave some friends you should definitely get that game.  It's probably the best 4-player offline game for the PS3 right now.  flOw is another good 4-player game but not for as long as CAC.

Anyway, Super Stardust HD is awesome, and I'm disappointed it's not in the top 5 since it's the highest rated PSN game so far (according to metacritic and such).  I like that game because you can switch to look at all of your friends scores.  Nice feature.