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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Are you "loyal" to any one company?

Quite a lot towards Sony, but prices are always first.

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A crap game is a crap game and a good game is a good game regardless of the company producing it. I give my loyalty to the games themselves and not the company.

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No. I'm too broke right now to have all 3 consoles and keep up with games for them all but I will buy at least two before generation's end. If you hold out simply because "X" console is the enemy then you're only hurting yourself as each system has some great games that you won't get to enjoy.

I used to be loyal to sony but my friend got me into xbox.

Play B3yond

Soriku said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Yes, Capcom.

I don't care much for Nintendo, Microsoft, or Sony. It depends on the type of the console.

Type of console? What do you mean "type"?

 If it's like the PS1, Wii or PS2, I'm probably not going to like it no matter who's making it.  There are different types of consoles, and I don't like the PS1 type.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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No, i find that redundant, it only narrows my possible gaming experience. And besides; everyone f's up once in a while...

Oh and also nothing beats Coca-Cola, especially Pepsi-Cola.

I'm not loyal to anyone, but I am set in my ways as far as who I won't buy from. It would take quite a lot of persuasion to get me to buy anything made by Microsoft.

no, not loyal at all. i go where the games i want are and thats currently the wii

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Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

@ riot

You don't like the #1 console?

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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