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Forums - General Discussion - Obama supporter PWN3D on MSNBC ...

Auron said:
darendt said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

Does it matter? All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

I believe I will hit the Lotto......doesnt mean its gonna happen. He is running for PResident of a country. He has no experience what so ever. Companies wouldnt even hire him as a CEO due to his lack of experience. Why should he be President again? Because he says what people want to hear. I can run and say I will make it rain 100 dollar bills for 4 years, it doesnt mean that I would be able to accomplish it. Bottom line is that he is getting most of the black vote because he is 1/10th black. I still cant understand however with a name like Barrack Hussein Obama, we are even considering a nomination. We get one executed then put one in office......genious.

 Now that is just racist, and Barrack is our savior, he will bring about CHANGE.  Do you understand?? CHANGE and we need change.

 dont worry i banned him for his racism

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konnichiwa said:
Auron said:
Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

 Does it matter?  All you have to do is believe in change and it will happen.

 This shocks me though...Don't you guys do research when you vote?

 I do normally. Honestly I have no idea what Obama has accomplished but frankly my dog would be a better president then Hilary so it really doesnt matter as long as either McCain or Obama become president. 

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
FunKrusher said:

McCain while the front runner for the rep. party, I don't think he stands a chance being that he's pro war, and we already know where the majority of the US stands with that issue right now.

You know what ? You, americans, can be very frightening.

Your gov start a war and the vast majority of your country was "in" for this. And now, the majority is asking gov to pull out troops. But what about assuming mistakes ? Foreseing consequences ?

I mean, you rush a country where a dictator (put in place by the US), for all the horrors he did commit, was keeping a kind of stability and fighting extremists. You replace him by a shallow governement that will collapse ASAP US troops will go home, and be overtake by extremists.

In the end, Iraqi that wasen't a threat to the US will become a home for terrorism and therefore, a threat to the US and any other occidental country.

I know It's horrible for the families that have lost someone overthere, but is it really a good idea to pull your troops ? Is a candidate that make such a promise really having some foresight of the situation it will create ?

The decision might be good when you think with your heart, but not when you think with your head. And that's the role of a president, isen't it ?


I do wonder how in fact Obama plans to change everything. Dealing with the aftermath in the Middle East, etc.

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If only Al Gore was president.... *thinks for a bit* oh thank god he isnt

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superchunk said:


2. His positions on the war, healthcare, and other items (if you want details go to his website) are much better than anyone in the Republican camp and mostly better than Clinton's. Hell, he is the only one who like me knew Iraq war was unjustified and should never had been waged.

3. What does political experience get you? Corrupted. The fact that he has not been a typical capital hill cronny is a good thing. Change is far greater with him than anyone else put forth.


I just wanted to that Hillary's and Obama's voting record on the war are very similiar after the intial authorization. Obama did not vote on the war was not privy to information shown to congress men and senators at the time and was not privy to information that Hillary most likely was. rememebr in the late 90's when Bill Clinton was going to attack Iraq. that said 23 senators out of which only 1 republican voted against the war.


Barrack Obama still has his corruptions either accused or not. First he has voted for stuff and than gone abck and said I woudln't have voted for it because....... Also the whole slum lord thing.


Every 4 years you have a politician calling for change and every 4 years they never do it. If you are going to vote why don't you actually look at the records of the people of the people you vote for. I don't like the fact that Obama has so many Not Voted. However I will still vote for him if he is nominated. As I thik either Clinton or Obama woudl do a good job.


Finally my biggest concern is Obama being able to handle a smeared full campaign and it will come and he is untested may be he will do good maybe not. I don't know. But the man has never ran in a challenged election.

Ok, since I was banned before I could actually get this off. Nothing I said was racist, and I am far from it. From a country standpoint, racism towards the Middle eastern race is at an all-time high due to the war. The "redneck" faithful that voted in the current idiot....I would jumping all over this. I could care less what race or color he is, that has nothing to do with anything for me. I am also an Ashiest, so in reality I would prefer no religion in the white house. This post just goes to show the maturity level on this forum. You are so quick to react to something that wasnt even said and say how smart you are. Instead of actually reading what is written or asking for clarification. Maybe people should spend less time punctuation checking and read the response. Everyone seems to think I am for a Republican candidate as well for some reason. I never said that either. I dont really care for any of the candidates currently. The Republican party is just war hungry and neither Democrat is perfect. I can see there is no debating on these forums though, cause once something is said that ssj doesnt like or understand he gets ban happy. Maybe had you scanned down a bit you would have seen where it was clarified.

fornow said:
Ok, since I was banned before I could actually get this off. Nothing I said was racist, and I am far from it. From a country standpoint, racism towards the Middle eastern race is at an all-time high due to the war. The "redneck" faithful that voted in the current idiot....I would jumping all over this. I could care less what race or color he is, that has nothing to do with anything for me. I am also an Ashiest, so in reality I would prefer no religion in the white house. This post just goes to show the maturity level on this forum. You are so quick to react to something that wasnt even said and say how smart you are. Instead of actually reading what is written or asking for clarification. Maybe people should spend less time punctuation checking and read the response. Everyone seems to think I am for a Republican candidate as well for some reason. I never said that either. I dont really care for any of the candidates currently. The Republican party is just war hungry and neither Democrat is perfect. I can see there is no debating on these forums though, cause once something is said that ssj doesnt like or understand he gets ban happy. Maybe had you scanned down a bit you would have seen where it was clarified.

 Clarifying a racist statement doesn't make it any less racist.  This is an informal forum and whatever is said here will make no difference in the grand scheme of things.  You seem to be too intense and need to relax and stop making racist statements.

Fornow, I don't know who you are but if you have a problem with your ban take it up with a mod. If you have some glaring comment you have to make, just wait out your ban and then make it. Whatever the case, do not make a new account and post with it.

Square07 said:
So can anyone here name anything Obama has accomplished as Legislator?
I haven't heard anything; why is the media never questioning him?
To his supporters: what has he done, does anyone know...?

He hasn't been in the senate long enough to accomplish anything. Not in an "inexpierence" way but in a "union" way. Any bill you propose is pretty much going to be killed by the higher ups who have seniority over you until you wait out the old bastards above you who have a ridiculious amount of terms because their places are perma-democrat or perma-republican.

This is even more true when you want to drastically change things.