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FunKrusher said:

McCain while the front runner for the rep. party, I don't think he stands a chance being that he's pro war, and we already know where the majority of the US stands with that issue right now.

You know what ? You, americans, can be very frightening.

Your gov start a war and the vast majority of your country was "in" for this. And now, the majority is asking gov to pull out troops. But what about assuming mistakes ? Foreseing consequences ?

I mean, you rush a country where a dictator (put in place by the US), for all the horrors he did commit, was keeping a kind of stability and fighting extremists. You replace him by a shallow governement that will collapse ASAP US troops will go home, and be overtake by extremists.

In the end, Iraqi that wasen't a threat to the US will become a home for terrorism and therefore, a threat to the US and any other occidental country.

I know It's horrible for the families that have lost someone overthere, but is it really a good idea to pull your troops ? Is a candidate that make such a promise really having some foresight of the situation it will create ?

The decision might be good when you think with your heart, but not when you think with your head. And that's the role of a president, isen't it ?