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Ok, since I was banned before I could actually get this off. Nothing I said was racist, and I am far from it. From a country standpoint, racism towards the Middle eastern race is at an all-time high due to the war. The "redneck" faithful that voted in the current idiot....I would jumping all over this. I could care less what race or color he is, that has nothing to do with anything for me. I am also an Ashiest, so in reality I would prefer no religion in the white house. This post just goes to show the maturity level on this forum. You are so quick to react to something that wasnt even said and say how smart you are. Instead of actually reading what is written or asking for clarification. Maybe people should spend less time punctuation checking and read the response. Everyone seems to think I am for a Republican candidate as well for some reason. I never said that either. I dont really care for any of the candidates currently. The Republican party is just war hungry and neither Democrat is perfect. I can see there is no debating on these forums though, cause once something is said that ssj doesnt like or understand he gets ban happy. Maybe had you scanned down a bit you would have seen where it was clarified.