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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do We Still believe XBO can't pass WiiU 2014?

Yes, right now it is selling 3X what the Wii U is selling and it hasn't even been released in Japan(because it would bomb there) but still, yes. It will pass Wii U. If Smash Bros., Mario Kart, and Zelda don't get it past 10 Million then... it is doomed.

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JayWood2010 said:
Michael-5 said:

Giving me attitude cause you're using sarcasm.......since my arguement is soooo extreme.

Now instead of replying to me, you choose to critisize me. Why make a thread if you don't actually care about the responses when they don't match yours?

If you notice im not replying to everybody in this thread. Or maybe you just thank you equal everybody, idk. Everybody is entitled to their opinions and beliefs.  Again i replied to you because your attitude. Now move on.

So I gave you attitude because I said that "Your argument is biased?"

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Michael-5 said:
JayWood2010 said:

So I gave you attitude because I said that "Your argument is biased?"

Yepp.  Just because you dont agree with someone does not mean it is biased.  To further that you then proceeded to say "Don't give me that attitude because I disagree with you. Your opinion =/= fact." When in reality i said nothing about you disagreeig with me but our whole conversation is based off of accusations on your part simply for the fact that you disagree with me.  Which yes that makes all this very ironic.

  As I said you can go back in this thread and read about how some people disagree, and some people agree.  I dont reply to them, but then you accuse me "
Why make a thread if you don't actually care about the responses when they don't match yours?"  Funny since im not replying to people who disagree with me.

Now im not entirely sure what has you all up in arms about all this or why you are going off base accusing me of things i am not and did not do but you need to adjust how you say things.  Try a little less accusing and a little more rationality.  The rest of your argument was perfectly fine whether i agreed with it or not, but our conversation at this very moment is based off your accusations.  in other words relax and stay on topic.


JayWood2010 said:
Michael-5 said:
JayWood2010 said:

So I gave you attitude because I said that "Your argument is biased?"

Yepp.  Just because you dont agree with someone does not mean it is biased.  To further that you then proceeded to say "Don't give me that attitude because I disagree with you. Your opinion =/= fact." When in reality i said nothing about you disagreeig with me but our whole conversation is based off of accusations on your part simply for the fact that you disagree with me.  Which yes that makes all this very ironic.

  As I said you can go back in this thread and read about how some people disagree, and some people agree.  I dont reply to them, but then you accuse me "
Now instead of replying to me, you choose to critisize me. Why make a thread if you don't actually care about the responses when they don't match yours?"  Funny since im not replying to people who disagree with me.

Now im not entirely sure what has you all up in arms about all this or why you are going off base accusing me of things i am not and did not do but you need to adjust how you say things.  Try a little less accusing and a little more rationality.  The rest of your argument was perfectly fine whether i agreed with it or not, but our conversation at this very moment is based off your accusations.  in other words relax and stay on topic.

Well no point arguing furthur. You were the one to give me sarcasm and I pointed it out "But yes, it is a biased of course, it must be *sigh*"

Then instead of actually discussing this, the topic of your thread, you choose to point out and highlight the one comment where I mention your demenour? On top of that you decide to talk down to me at the end, all because you like to be in control. Yep, wow....

Good Job.

P.S. Don't forget the bold. It's not an accusation when it's a fact. You did not reply to a single comment I or anyone else (according to you) made about XB1 vs. WiiU when they were in favor of the WiiU.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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As more people keep seeing that multi-platform next gen games are announced for Xbox One and PS4 and NOT the Wii U I think this will hurt peoples decision to pick one up. It is really only the first YEAR of 8th Gen consoles and already the Wii U is being left out. MK and SS will help keep ok sales.. but nothing spectacular. The Wii U is quickly becoming a "last gen" console.

I think this reason alone will be why the Xbox One will outsell the Wii U in 2014.

XBLive: cpg716     PSN ID: cpg716  Steam: Luv4Tech77

Predictions on 12/01/15 - Generation 8 Totals:

PS4: 85-95m
X1: 55-65m
WiiU: 20-30m

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Halo 2 Anniversary is all that is required. That game has such a huge cult following it will blow up sky high. Provided they keep the multiplayer the same as it was.

Michael-5 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Who criticised who first and who had an attitude first?  I dont think you understand my point at all and that is fine. As you said no need to continue this further.


JayWood2010 said:
Michael-5 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Who criticised who first and who had an attitude first?  I dont think you understand my point at all and that is fine. As you said no need to continue this further.

You did because in your reply to my comment about you being baised you put in some sarcasm.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results

My estimate is they will be neck-in-neck in December.

This is assuming XB1 sells an average of 30k more than Wii U per week through October, and then we have a usual holiday bump in sales.

My 8th gen collection


April Xbox One  - 334k Sold  -  1.17m More to meet September prediction
April WiiU - 123k Sold  -  680k More to Meet September Prediction