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Forums - Sales Discussion - Global HW+SW, week ending 3/22.

3DS still the best gaming device this gen and the sales back it up.

Estelle and Adol... best characters ever! XD

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Based on Gfk ISS is undertracked for UK, either that or VGC has Fifa 14 20% overtracked for its launch week.

I think PS4 will be in short supply again for a week or 2 but then supply should stabilise I think.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


So the ISS sales are only for friday and saturday?

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

why do people ring up 13 countries vs 50? the extra 37 countries PS4 is selling in ony represents about 5% of PS4 sales. It's not significant considering the 2.6 million difference. If the difference was only a few hundred K then you could bring up the number of markets with some legitimacy. it will be good when 2015 rolls around and all the launch and first holidays boost from the September markets are over and there will be no more mention of PS4 being in a lot more markets, and PS4 will still sell a lot more on a weekly basis.

Xb fans need to simply accept that Xb one has lost popularity in all markets and PS4 has been the main beneficiary, and Kinect isn't a big selling point. The only way PS4 doesn't win this generation by a decent margin is if Wii U makes a miraculous recovery. Be happy that you could win the all important US market, and maybe even the 3rd most important UK market.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Areym said:
So the ISS sales are only for friday and saturday?

Yes, I believe it was also released on a Friday in the US too.

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binary solo said:
why do people ring up 13 countries vs 50? the extra 37 countries PS4 is selling in ony represents about 5% of PS4 sales. It's not significant considering the 2.6 million difference. If the difference was only a few hundred K then you could bring up the number of markets with some legitimacy. it will be good when 2015 rolls around and all the launch and first holidays boost from the September markets are over and there will be no more mention of PS4 being in a lot more markets, and PS4 will still sell a lot more on a weekly basis.

Xb fans need to simply accept that Xb one has lost popularity in all markets and PS4 has been the main beneficiary, and Kinect isn't a big selling point. The only way PS4 doesn't win this generation by a decent margin is if Wii U makes a miraculous recovery. Be happy that you could win the all important US market, and maybe even the 3rd most important UK market.

Desperation, my friend, desperation.  Oh well, it'll be fun watching their dreams shatter when it is finally in more countries, but sales only go up a few K/week. 

@ OP

Nice Infamous and PS4 sales.  Can't wait til I get my hands on a copy this summer.  That game's purdy.

drkohler said:
ICStats said:
Dark_Feanor said:

50 markets vs 13 markets

These points have been debated endlessly by others so I won't repeat the same things.

So why do you rehash the false "bbbbut 13 countries only" argument? Again, Xbox One is WILDLY available in Europe (even in Iceland which doesn't even apear in ANY "tier x" list. Making a grandiose "tier 2 countries in September" announcement is just hollow, most of these tier 2 countries have been selling XBox Ones for months now...

Again, people, stop this 13 countries nonsense when you try to fabricate a useless argument. You may wish/hope/pray that suddenly the sales will explode in September, but it is NOT going to happen, because the console is already selling in most of those countries. Can't stress the argument enough than that.

Hey, read before you reply and misquote one line out of context.  Dark_Feanor was rehashing the argument; I don't support it at all.

My 8th gen collection

Seems like nothing changed in UK after Titanfall launch...

I'm amazed that ps vita is getting somewhere ... Just my thought of it being TOTALLY dreamcast'd was blown away.

"I'm beginning to feel like a console God" - PlayStation 4

LMAO look at the massive destruction in Europe.

PS4 just needs stock for slaying anything.

Delsin Roxx

I'm out...