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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I'm hyped for Hyrule Warriors


What are you most excited about for the game?

Returning Characters 23 19.01%
Returning boss 6 4.96%
Items 4 3.31%
combat 60 49.59%
Story 18 14.88%
Other 10 8.26%
ktay95 said:
Lafiel said:

I recently played through Dynasty Warrior Next on the Vita and in short bursts the game is quite fun, especially if you try some different characters etc, but the only reason I actually completed the campaign was because it ended shortly before I was ready to stop playing the game anyway. The gameplay is just so incredibly repetitive that ,while I did enjoy my time as I stated, I probably won't play any musou game again and I'm pretty surprised some people buy multiple games in the franchise/in that style.

The fact that you played DW Next wont help your opinion. I mean if you didnt like it you wont like the others a whole lot more but DWN imo is possibly the worst DW ever made.

What's so bad about it compared to other DW games? I have it sitting on my Vita but have not played it yet

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ktay95 said:
ps3-sales! said:
Zero hype.

I prefer only Link in my Zelda games.

Um, so you dont like any Zelda games?? Last I checked every Zelda game has multiple characters =P

If you mean playable characters well its still unconfirmed that we can play as anyone else but that would take away a lot of the games depth which seems stupid.

Not so much into spinoff games; so I have no hype for this game. 
Doesn't mean that I won't check out upcoming gameplay/reviews when it finally comes out and see if it looks interesting.

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Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

celador said:
ktay95 said:
Lafiel said:

I recently played through Dynasty Warrior Next on the Vita and in short bursts the game is quite fun, especially if you try some different characters etc, but the only reason I actually completed the campaign was because it ended shortly before I was ready to stop playing the game anyway. The gameplay is just so incredibly repetitive that ,while I did enjoy my time as I stated, I probably won't play any musou game again and I'm pretty surprised some people buy multiple games in the franchise/in that style.

The fact that you played DW Next wont help your opinion. I mean if you didnt like it you wont like the others a whole lot more but DWN imo is possibly the worst DW ever made.

What's so bad about it compared to other DW games? I have it sitting on my Vita but have not played it yet

Regenerative health like CoD instead of the usual health bar. Its mainly about going from base to base and killing X amount of guys from what Ive played instead of killing certain officers to complete objectives. I dont know it just really fealt wrong to me from those 2 points. I pressume you got it through PS+, if so its worth playing a few hours but I feel its a lot more repetitive than the main series. I usually beat these games and with Next I put in like less than 5 hours

ktay95 said:
Lafiel said:

I recently played through Dynasty Warrior Next on the Vita and in short bursts the game is quite fun, especially if you try some different characters etc, but the only reason I actually completed the campaign was because it ended shortly before I was ready to stop playing the game anyway. The gameplay is just so incredibly repetitive that ,while I did enjoy my time as I stated, I probably won't play any musou game again and I'm pretty surprised some people buy multiple games in the franchise/in that style.

The fact that you played DW Next wont help your opinion. I mean if you didnt like it you wont like the others a whole lot more but DWN imo is possibly the worst DW ever made.

Hah, I imagine people disliked the touch sequences a lot, they really do nothing for the game, but atleast it's a short break from spamming the combos, which usually are just pressing light attack multiple times and ending it with a strong attack followed by a chain attack to start the next combo.

ps3-sales! said:
ktay95 said:
ps3-sales! said:
Zero hype.

I prefer only Link in my Zelda games.

Um, so you dont like any Zelda games?? Last I checked every Zelda game has multiple characters =P

If you mean playable characters well its still unconfirmed that we can play as anyone else but that would take away a lot of the games depth which seems stupid.

Not so much into spinoff games; so I have no hype for this game. 
Doesn't mean that I won't check out upcoming gameplay/reviews when it finally comes out and see if it looks interesting.


Its the only Zelda title my Aunt has played... she is just leagues ahead of me at it =(

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I always felt like Zelda games lacked combat to a certain degree, especially with the 3D titles. I'm glad to now have a Zelda game that let's me kill enemies by the thousands :)

I predict NX launches in 2017 - not 2016

im not really hyped.
never played DW, but i love zelda.
this time tecmo is under nintendo quality control, something good may appear.
But ill wait for reviews and other zelda fans opinions.

Nothing. Already enough of spin-offs and remakes. We need a real Zelda.

Proud to be the first cool Nintendo fan ever

Number ONE Zelda fan in the Universe

DKCTF didn't move consoles

Prediction: No Zelda HD for Wii U, quietly moved to the succesor

Predictions for Nintendo NX and Mobile

i have to laugh at the hypocrisy of nintendo fans saying that because tecmo koei is working under nintendo the game might be good. PLEASE, what qualification do u have to judge tecmo koei's games? played many?

that's the problem with most nintendo fans, it's the little bubble they live in.

ktay95 said:
Lafiel said:

I recently played through Dynasty Warrior Next on the Vita and in short bursts the game is quite fun, especially if you try some different characters etc, but the only reason I actually completed the campaign was because it ended shortly before I was ready to stop playing the game anyway. The gameplay is just so incredibly repetitive that ,while I did enjoy my time as I stated, I probably won't play any musou game again and I'm pretty surprised some people buy multiple games in the franchise/in that style.

The fact that you played DW Next wont help your opinion. I mean if you didnt like it you wont like the others a whole lot more but DWN imo is possibly the worst DW ever made.

lolwut. DWN is eons ahead of the DW6 crapfest.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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