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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is GTA IV very expected in NA ?

In Europe , it seems expected but what about North America ?

 It's to try to determine how many GTA IV will be sold

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I think it'll become very expected and hyped once Microsoft goes all out to promote the 360 version of the game like they did for Gears of War and Halo 3.

Currently, I don't think anyone really cares about it (other than people on forums). The people I know are more interested in FFXIII, and are eagerly waiting for it, and they also assume that it will come out this year.

I also agree with Legend11, It'll gain hype once it is advertised.

If you drop a PS3 right on top of a Wii, it would definitely defeat it. Not so sure about the Xbox360. - mancandy
In the past we played games. In the future we watch games. - Forest-Spirit
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im curious about it not hyped atm i might make this a buy not sure yet

GTA will sell billions.....

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It will be a easy milloin seller for bolth versoins

It will sell ... In the US way more on the 360 , while in Others way more on the PS3 and in Japan ... well it will have some sales on the PS3 ...

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@ OP
simple answer: yes

Yes it is
same here in France or in PAL

The 2 version are expected (depending of the console u have ofc)

Time to Work !

When they start advertising, its going to be the most anticipated game of this generation.

People dont even know its coming, but once they do there is no bigger game. Period.