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Forums - Sony Discussion - Were consumers REALLY waiting for the "format war" to be over....... choose a system. With Blu-ray winning, I, along with most others, have noticed a HUGE spike in US sales (beating out 360 even by the ioi's numbers).

Were there that many "educated" consumers on the fence.....based only on Blu-ray vs HD DVD?

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@ BMaker11

I think the outcome was already aboslutely crystal clear for many months, observing people already knew Blu-Ray sales were already minimalizing HD DVD in Toshiba's home market Japan. About 99% player (95% without counting the PS3) and software sales market share in 2007. Regarding consumer electronics companies it was basically Toshiba vs the rest of the world.

With additional PS3 sales it was clear HD DVD market share was going nowhere other than downwards.

I do think clarity is a huge pro for people observing the market less closely, the countless misinformant HD DVD announcements surely caused for confusion.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

I do agree.

Last week was when Netflix, and Best Buy, and Wal-Mart switched. And with the amount of HD-TVs out there, they may have just been waiting for one to win.

Well actually i was waiting for it to be over, i didnt really care which would win, i just didnt want to find myself chosing something, multiple choice in the media division is not good in my opinion...

@ DJ Meister:

I read your signature and all I have to say is...Enjoy your one week ban when PS3 reaches 25%!!

OT: Blu Ray is better

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I know my family was. We are now getting a Blu Ray player b/c its finally over.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Well on the news. i just happen to walk by as.. "Hd dvd will stop beign made my tosiba(however u spell) it i just laughed and kept walking xD

God these people have gotta get with the times

My friend came in the other day and started asking me loads of questions about Blu-ray because he had heard on the radio that morning that it had won the format war.

With HD-DVD dead, the interest in Blu-ray will grow, ergo the interest in the PS3 as a cheap blu-ray player will grow too.

Were some gamers on the fence, waiting for one format to win? I don't really think so. A lot of movie buffs and technophiles might have been though.


@ BMaker11 )

the numbers are for last week, so the spike came prior to Toshibas announcement - I'm quite interested in this weeks numbers (we get them next week, obviously) though

@ coolestguyever )

did you _really_ read his sig ? he says,that it _will_ reach 25% this year, so he won't be the one being banned, if it does

@ WhiteDevil )

you should update the numbers in your sig, for ioi changed quite a lot of the american hw numbers for jan+feb

It's a hard call, while I'm sure Blu-Ray sales will increase, its still a gamble as to whether or not the format will ever be truly embraced as a true successor to DVD. Either way there is no way it will be adopted with the relative ease DVD was during its emergence.

Time will tell.