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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii Thread

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Well, GR is biased because they only take into account American reviews. 3 german magazines have reviewed Brawl, are any of them mentioned? Nope. (Although some European get counted)
Famitsu has reviewed it, and they use 4 people. Is a single one counted? Nope
Do they add the Nintendo Magazine in Japan? No.
Do they add the Nintendo Magazine in America? Yes

They are most pro 360, then Ps3, then PsP, then DS then Wii. Or something like that.

Actually, Gamestats is much more correct, as they take in reviews from everywhere.

And hey, this is for Mario Kart, stop posting about everything else.

You had to put "imo" in there didn't you? Now you can claim that it was just your opinion and that it is worth as much as everybody elses and blah blah blah.

"I don't like Zack and Wiki. Critics do. Another reason the media isn't biased against the Wii. I can accept that my opinion differs on that review."

Wow, that's just great. I think you proved everybody else's point right there.

Just because certain regions are biased towards certain types of games doesn't mean the reviewers are. The great thing about aggregate sites is that the bias of a few reviewers is lessened. If gamestats is better then I'll check it out. I like gamerankings more than metacritic but metacritic's site is easier to compare recent reviews. I'm not sure what point "everybody else" is trying to make, but I didn't find Zack and Wiki enjoyable. I'm not sure if anyone has even bothered to discuss that with me, so I'm baffled why that keeps being brought up. I respond to someone else and people act like I brought it up.

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__XBrawlX__ said:
This thread is not about the Wii's capabilities Windbane, it is about Mario Kart Wii. The wii is much more powerful then the Xbox...but not as powerful as the PS3/360. That's a fact, okay, we get it. To say the wii looks like the gamecube graphics is wrong, to say sunshine looks like galaxy is wrong, and to dis the Wii in a thread that has nothing to do with the Wii's graphical abilities, is wrong.

I respect your opinions, but if your going to complain this much, then why did you bother getting a wii in the first place?

Why do I have to like everything about a system to own it? There are several things I wish the PS3 did better, such as in-game XMB. I've liked some games on the Wii and look forward to playing several others, preferably genres that I want good graphics for. Not many people thnk the Wii is "much more powerful" than the Xbox. Hopefully some developer proves others wrong, but that has yet to be seen. You say this thread has nothing to do with the Wii's graphical capabilities? I thought we could discuss any subject related to the game. Check out that Brawl thread, btw, because it's all about a stupid score about graphics. My criticisms began with my disappointment over Mario Kart's graphics from what I've seen so far. I am going to buy Mario Kart no matter what because I've been waiting years for it to be online. I wish Nintendo was more proficient with online play and had it for Double Dash, which I loved, but hopefully they get it right this time. I believe 12-player online would the number that any other racer has, although I hoped for 16 since that's how many can race in single player DD.

Hmm it looks like a Mario kart that I really will like a lot.

Anyone know if there will be anolog controls for it? I don't care for the wii wheel. Anyway MKwii will own.

1.)The Brawl thread is talking about BRAWL"S GRAPHICS not Wii's or PS3's Graphics.
2.)I didn't say you have to like everything about the console you own, but If you have that many complaints, I don't see why you would keep it.(Other then y the fact that you like the games?)
3.)Super Mario Galaxy easily proved that the Wii has much better Graphics then anything last Gen, And your clearly saying that it looks like an early Gamecube game.

Yes, I just noticed that MK:Wii's graphics are much worse then Brawl's it seems...
I hope they get a little bit better!:)




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits
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MARIO KART!!!!! I hope its 49.99......Is it really releasing sometime in April for NA???


__XBrawlX__ said:
1.)The Brawl thread is talking about BRAWL"S GRAPHICS not Wii's or PS3's Graphics.
2.)I didn't say you have to like everything about the console you own, but If you have that many complaints, I don't see why you would keep it.(Other then y the fact that you like the games?)
3.)Super Mario Galaxy easily proved that the Wii has much better Graphics then anything last Gen, And your clearly saying that it looks like an early Gamecube game.

Yes, I just noticed that MK:Wii's graphics are much worse then Brawl's it seems...
I hope they get a little bit better!:)

A discussion of graphics is usually tied to systems, and other systems were mentioned in the other thread. I've explained why I have a Wii. I've compared Sunshine myself and I disagree that it's a great leap. MK: Wii not looking that good is what caused me to be disappointed to begin with. That said, I bought Double Dash and I'll buy MK: Wii pretty much no matter what. It would have to have serious issues for me not to buy it. However, I'll complain all I want because I want this game to be awesome.

supermariogalaxy said:
MARIO KART!!!!! I hope its 49.99......Is it really releasing sometime in April for NA???

I hope so, but I doubt both of those unless you can get it without a wheel. I've heard that NA will get it later that other regions, unfortunately. I'd love to be corrected, though, heh.

windbane said:
vanguardian1 said:
windbane said:
I'm rather disappointed that like Galaxy and Metroid Prime...and Zelda...Nintendo isn't improving the graphics much at all from the gamecube games. I wlll probably buy this game since Mario Kart is one of my favorite games, but the Wii just overal dissappoints me.

If they get the online right then I'll forgive the ugly graphics, because I so badly wanted online play for DD.


Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 were beautiful, what are you talking about? And Zelda is, graphically, identical to the gamecube version (minus the widescreen difference). And if you're going to complain about Mario Kart's graphics, go take a look at Double Dash for a reminder. There's a nice level of difference between the two.

I enjoyed Galaxy, but it looked about the same as Sunshine. Look at the comparison video on gametrailers. As for MP3, I hope it looks better than the beginning of the game because so far it looks terrible compared to even mediocre PS3 shooters. I did not know that widescreen as added to the Wii Zelda. That's nice. I still need to play that but had MP3 higher on my list because I wanted to try the controls after trying to play MoH: H2, which I could not stand to play after CoD4, no matter what the contrlols were. While I'm ranting, though, I played Charged and that didn't look much better either. It's just disappointing, and I would have enjoyed that game more than the first if it had allowed me to use a gamecube controller. Look, I only care because I love these games. Mario Kart is probably my favorite racing game ever, altough I did really like Rock N' Roll Racing. I just wish the Wii was either more powerful and/or the developers were trying harder.


 All of this was off topic to bash the Wii on graphics and saying how "looks terrible compared to even mediocre PS3 shooters"  which is nothing but going off topic to bash a game not even mentioned in this thread before and not even close to the topic so all in all it's trolling, cause you were trolling and wanting proof I gave it to you, now I see that you are in fact blind, you are just a...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000

MaxwellGT2000 said:
windbane said:
vanguardian1 said:
windbane said:
I'm rather disappointed that like Galaxy and Metroid Prime...and Zelda...Nintendo isn't improving the graphics much at all from the gamecube games. I wlll probably buy this game since Mario Kart is one of my favorite games, but the Wii just overal dissappoints me.

If they get the online right then I'll forgive the ugly graphics, because I so badly wanted online play for DD.


Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 were beautiful, what are you talking about? And Zelda is, graphically, identical to the gamecube version (minus the widescreen difference). And if you're going to complain about Mario Kart's graphics, go take a look at Double Dash for a reminder. There's a nice level of difference between the two.

I enjoyed Galaxy, but it looked about the same as Sunshine. Look at the comparison video on gametrailers. As for MP3, I hope it looks better than the beginning of the game because so far it looks terrible compared to even mediocre PS3 shooters. I did not know that widescreen as added to the Wii Zelda. That's nice. I still need to play that but had MP3 higher on my list because I wanted to try the controls after trying to play MoH: H2, which I could not stand to play after CoD4, no matter what the contrlols were. While I'm ranting, though, I played Charged and that didn't look much better either. It's just disappointing, and I would have enjoyed that game more than the first if it had allowed me to use a gamecube controller. Look, I only care because I love these games. Mario Kart is probably my favorite racing game ever, altough I did really like Rock N' Roll Racing. I just wish the Wii was either more powerful and/or the developers were trying harder.


 All of this was off topic to bash the Wii on graphics and saying how "looks terrible compared to even mediocre PS3 shooters"  which is nothing but going off topic to bash a game not even mentioned in this thread before and not even close to the topic so all in all it's trolling, cause you were trolling and wanting proof I gave it to you, now I see that you are in fact blind, you are just a...

Yeah, because comparing other Wii titles to Mario Kart was off-topic. But hey, thanks for adding graphics to this thread!