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__XBrawlX__ said:
This thread is not about the Wii's capabilities Windbane, it is about Mario Kart Wii. The wii is much more powerful then the Xbox...but not as powerful as the PS3/360. That's a fact, okay, we get it. To say the wii looks like the gamecube graphics is wrong, to say sunshine looks like galaxy is wrong, and to dis the Wii in a thread that has nothing to do with the Wii's graphical abilities, is wrong.

I respect your opinions, but if your going to complain this much, then why did you bother getting a wii in the first place?

Why do I have to like everything about a system to own it? There are several things I wish the PS3 did better, such as in-game XMB. I've liked some games on the Wii and look forward to playing several others, preferably genres that I want good graphics for. Not many people thnk the Wii is "much more powerful" than the Xbox. Hopefully some developer proves others wrong, but that has yet to be seen. You say this thread has nothing to do with the Wii's graphical capabilities? I thought we could discuss any subject related to the game. Check out that Brawl thread, btw, because it's all about a stupid score about graphics. My criticisms began with my disappointment over Mario Kart's graphics from what I've seen so far. I am going to buy Mario Kart no matter what because I've been waiting years for it to be online. I wish Nintendo was more proficient with online play and had it for Double Dash, which I loved, but hopefully they get it right this time. I believe 12-player online would the number that any other racer has, although I hoped for 16 since that's how many can race in single player DD.