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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Titanfall Review Thread: Metacritic 86

This game is going to be massive! can't wait, its a shame ps4 don't get to play lol

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i wish i lived in america right now. we dont get till friday. and theres already people going to camp out wednesday night at my game. lucky i know the manager and can go in back door.

selnor1983 said:
i wish i lived in america right now. we dont get till friday. and theres already people going to camp out wednesday night at my game. lucky i know the manager and can go in back door.

How did you not have this game preordered?

@ figgy.

I do. But people are queing 30 hours before. Stuff that. Back door here we come.

I'm currently installing the game at the fabulous percentage of 69. passing the time reading the user review trolls on metacritic.

^Yes that's me ripping it up in the GIF. :)

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ironmanDX said:

If people take the GOTG thing seriously... It isn't his fault people are dense. Look at the sig, it's clearly a joke. He quotes himself 3 times in it.  The gen is only a few months in...  


Edit: Just as I post this cura puts in a GOTG post... Not intended to be aimed at you, just poor timing.

so what youre saying is that J_Allard was flaimbaiting and trolling and he should have been moderated as such, which, he wasnt since he made three threads with the same nonsensical claim in the title

selnor1983 said:
i wish i lived in america right now. we dont get till friday. and theres already people going to camp out wednesday night at my game. lucky i know the manager and can go in back door.

In which city do you live, Selnor?

selnor1983 said:
@ figgy.

I do. But people are queing 30 hours before. Stuff that. Back door here we come.

Queing days before release for a game is just stupid. Just get it digitally, or order it on Amazon or just go to a store on launch day and buy it, games do not sell out, especially not something like Titanfall which is probably shipping in huge quantities.

Max King of the Wild said:

so what youre saying is that J_Allard was flaimbaiting and trolling and he should have been moderated as such, which, he wasnt since he made three threads with the same nonsensical claim in the title

You mean to tell me J_Allard was inducing people into a rage mode by talking about a game that they aren't even interested in buying?

This is something I expect to watch in a Manchurian Candidate movie.

@ callum


Green Army!!!!!!!!!!!!!