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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official Titanfall Review Thread: Metacritic 86

FlamingWeazel said:
Jazz2K said:

Which is the highest rated?

Towerfall ascension, rayman legends.

Wrong. The highest rated is still Mario 3D World, no matter how bad the console might be doing the Wii U is still 8th gen.

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Jazz2K said:

Interresting to see that the highest rated games are not "next gen". Both of these prove that pretty graphics aren't all that. Hope someday people realise that fun isn't only provided by resolution. Glad to see that indy games are relevant this gen contrary to last gen.

What make Titanfall next-gen? Or what make Towerfall last gen?

Titanfall runs on 360 too.

BTW Super Mario 3D World is the highest rated game on Metacritic.



Jazz2K said:
FlamingWeazel said:
Jazz2K said:

Which is the highest rated?

Towerfall ascension, rayman legends.

Interresting to see that the highest rated games are not "next gen". Both of these prove that pretty graphics aren't all that. Hope someday people realise that fun isn't only provided by resolution. Glad to see that indy games are relevant this gen contrary to last gen.

?? You take what 1-2 people say and generalize that across million of PS fans? Good job, indies always matterd. Graphics matter but aren't everything, so may as well play TF on 360 right? Who said they were not relevant last gen? Also, this gen just started many will score higher then TF, even this year.

ethomaz said:
I will stay with my 85 prediction.


"There’s a substantial amount to do across every map and mode, and in the course of ten hours’ play we didn’t find ourselves getting bored or seeing the same circumstances crop up enough to feel repetitive. Likewise, unlocks arrive at a refreshingly fast rate – your options are varied at the beginning, and diversify quickly.

The potential for launch week performance issues is the key issue holding Titanfall back from a recommendation at this stage, as is a triple-A pricepoint that many may find hard to justify for an exclusively multiplayer game. In its own right, though, this is arguably the best multiplayer shooter since the original Modern Warfare – and proof that beyond that well-used formula, a better game was waiting to be made."

They will show the score after real world tests.

I'd say the bold just about sums up what the game is for those that want multiplayer.

Most reviews with 70 and lower scores note the lack of value in a lack of single player campaign (eg: Globe and Mail).  So if its SP you're after dont apply, otherwise, you have found your game.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

DerNebel said:
FlamingWeazel said:
Jazz2K said:

Which is the highest rated?

Towerfall ascension, rayman legends.

Wrong. The highest rated is still Mario 3D World, no matter how bad the console might be doing the Wii U is still 8th gen.

True my bad.

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I was predicting something around 85, I wasnt far off. Fun game but not the second comming of the messiah.

Infamous Second Son will get around 80, reviewers will say its fun looks good but isnt very inovative and lacks MP.

brendude13 said:
Jazz2K said:
FlamingWeazel said:
Jazz2K said:

Which is the highest rated?

Towerfall ascension, rayman legends.

Interresting to see that the highest rated games are not "next gen". Both of these prove that pretty graphics aren't all that. Hope someday people realise that fun isn't only provided by resolution. Glad to see that indy games are relevant this gen contrary to last gen.

Why are they not "next gen"?

According to many (will not name anyone) games not 1080p are not next gen. How much flak Nintendo got because WiiU isn't graphically on par with both X1 and PS4? How many X1 threads were torn to pieces because of the stupid resolution gate? Go read them again and you'll understand.

Euphoria14 said:
NavyNut said:
Pretty good reviews, I'm impressed by it. I wonder if its worth getting a one over it instead of just getting the 360 version.

Graphics aren't important, gameplay is.

If you have a 360 there is no reason to get an XBox One for this title. 

We haven't even seen the X360 version, it could be gimped beyond belief.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

selnor1983 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
selnor1983 said:

Trust me.... I understand your reviews.

I know what your implying. And your wrong.


PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

Seece said:
osed125 said:

Some people will be disappointed by those reviews.


Maybe the "Game of the Generation Squad"?