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Forums - Sony Discussion - Jack Tretton To Step Down As President And CEO Of Sony Computer Entertainment America

Augen said:
gooch_destroyer said:

Shawn Layden, currently Executive Vice President and COO of Sony Network Entertainment International, will become President and CEO of SCEA, effective April 1, 2014.

So, this E3 pressure is on this guy. Good luck to him.

Ugh. He's got a very punchable face. I really wish Kaz would come back to do E3, he's a natural public speaker. 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Around the Network
Talal said:
Slimebeast said:
E3 will never be the same.

We even had a VGC member with a Jack Tretton avatar. I wonder what happened to that member by the way... he was in a depression, had an abusive step dad and was dreaming about being a potato.

Horrorfest is the guy you're thinking of.

Oh yeah, Horrorfest! Do you know anything about him lately? Is he okay? Is he still around on VGC?

NintenDOOOOOOM!!!!! Wait... wrong thread.

SEA's participation on the Vita has been dreadful. I see this result as a good conclusion.

Hopefully the next CEO can manage those resources and support the Playstation platforms better.

Carl2291 said:
Big changes at SCEA.

SSM layoffs and cancellations. AH leaving ND. Jack Tretton stepping down.

Maybe he felt it was just the right time to move on. Surely cant be because of sales performance with PS4 breaking every record possible.

Those are unrelated incidents. SSM layoffs were due to a game that was in development for years and didnt get nowhere, the studio shut down the project to avoid hemorraging more money them they had already and fired everyone involved with it.


AH leaving ND was due to Druckman and the other guy I never remember the name thinking too highly of themselves and wanting to take control of all the writting for every ND game, it may work, right now I think that was bulshit and AH was awesome on Uncharted.


Tretton leaving was pretty much his own decision as he wasnt fired, Sony probably wanted to cut his paycheck due to the financial situation the company is right now and he didnt want to acept that. Or he got a realy good ofer to work somewhere else.

Around the Network
Anfebious said:
Praise the lord! That guy was a douche.

And just how do you qualify that assertion?

I have been watching he man at E3s going back damn near 10 years AND he is one of the few outwardly passionate CEOs in console development. The guy will be missed and I sure hope they find someone as dedicated not only to the success of the platform but to the industry as a whole.

Maybe MS would hire him as MS needs a new pr person. he would fit perfectly well lol

Slimebeast said:
Talal said:
Slimebeast said:
E3 will never be the same.

We even had a VGC member with a Jack Tretton avatar. I wonder what happened to that member by the way... he was in a depression, had an abusive step dad and was dreaming about being a potato.

Horrorfest is the guy you're thinking of.

Oh yeah, Horrorfest! Do you know anything about him lately? Is he okay? Is he still around on VGC?

He is still around. I don't know about his personal life, but his posts don't indicate that he's depressed or anything. Hopefully he's doing alright. You can talk to him he'll probably give you better answers. :p

Good luck to you Jack. I enjoyed listening to you at the Playstation E3 conference.

Really dont get the love/hate for the guy. Hopefully this guy will put on a good E3 show...

I think Don Mattrick would take his job (sry if someone posted that joke already)