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Forums - Gaming Discussion - When Gamers were gamers not Loyalty fans!

Actually in what may be an extreme example, I haven't bought a particular console this generation not because I feel a certain company deserves my loyalty, but more because a certain company I feel doesn't deserve my loyalty.

I own a Wii, I want to buy a 360. I can't possibly support Sony this generation though for reasons that I'm not gonna bother going into, it'll only divert this thread elsewhere. I have done for two generations, as well as Nintendo at the same time (owning a PS1 / N64, PS2 / Gamecube) but this time, my loyalty will eventually go to Microsoft, Sony don't deserve it from me because I can't (as a gamer) support the direction they want to take videogaming into.

Yes, I am restricting myself from some of the gems the PS3 will undoubtedly get, but in the long run I'll learn to accept that, again for reasons I won't go into for fear of digressing.


In the end brand loyalty I guess will play a huge part for many gamers, but speaking for myself, I believe my loyalty is well founded and well justified because at heart I am and always will be a passionate gamer, and my loyalty goes to those I feel are beneffiting gaming for everyone in the longrun. 


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selnor said:

That company could shit in their mouth and they would smile and say "I still love you."


Yes, Sony fanboys can be quite strange...   :)

But is it a reason for using such a language? If you don't like shit, don't buy it, quite simple...

If you like good games, there are many to be found these days, for any of the three next-gens, plus downloads on VC or Arcade, and old titles in second hand: don't you have enough choice out there?  

I'm a Nintendo loyalist, that's true,  but mainly because i don't have time and money to buy even more games... DS and Wii are more than enough, and with all the good stuff comin', i really don't want to pay for another hardware, only for two or three games really worth it in the genres i like most...

And even if Nintendo isn't perfect (who is in this world), they're still one of the best game dev ever, if not THE best... that's not a reason to buy ALL their games, but that's a good reason to buy most of their best ones...

But has anyone forced you? So, don't complain, and don't care about all the annoying fanboys... and enjoy the best games as they are, no matter the platform... just like when you were a (very rich) kid...





"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

The company loyalty developed because the gaming systems of today are very different than when NES and SNES was big. Back then games were all about graphics and gameplay. Nintendo was pushing the envelope with amazing games. Now they have given up on that and gone to the casual market. This is where loyalty comes in. People who like PS3 love new technology and having the best games they can get and are most likely the people from the generation of the SNES. People who own the 360 like good graphics and are probably the newer generation of gamers just picking up games to play casually and some hardcore who enjoy playing with friends online. Wii I see as more of a system for younger children and older adults. It has a lot of games with short bursts of gameplay but nothing too in depth or hardcore to frustrate them and a lot of games to choose from. My loyalty lies with PS3 because it is the best system of this generation. It offers advanced graphics, sound, online and overall technology. Sony is trying to stick to the true video game formula by offering epic games with amazing graphics and gameplay. Loyalty comes in when I hear "PS3 is a failure" and I have to set them straight. So people say i'm loyal to the PS3 no matter what, and thats not true. I'm loyal to the PS3 because I feel it is the best system of this generation, just as I was to the NES, SNES, and PS1.

MrMarc said:

Actually in what may be an extreme example, I haven't bought a particular console this generation not because I feel a certain company deserves my loyalty, but more because a certain company I feel doesn't deserve my loyalty.

I own a Wii, I want to buy a 360. I can't possibly support Sony this generation though for reasons that I'm not gonna bother going into, it'll only divert this thread elsewhere. I have done for two generations, as well as Nintendo at the same time (owning a PS1 / N64, PS2 / Gamecube) but this time, my loyalty will eventually go to Microsoft, Sony don't deserve it from me because I can't (as a gamer) support the direction they want to take videogaming into.

Yes, I am restricting myself from some of the gems the PS3 will undoubtedly get, but in the long run I'll learn to accept that, again for reasons I won't go into for fear of digressing.

In the end brand loyalty I guess will play a huge part for many gamers, but speaking for myself, I believe my loyalty is well founded and well justified because at heart I am and always will be a passionate gamer, and my loyalty goes to those I feel are beneffiting gaming for everyone in the longrun.

Wow, you can't support the way Sony is going? You mean to improve the technology just like video games have been doing since the colecovision? I can't support the Wii for the exact same reason. Giving us old technology is unacceptable.

Xiru said:

Wow, you can't support the way Sony is going? You mean to improve the technology just like video games have been doing since the colecovision? I can't support the Wii for the exact same reason. Giving us old technology is unacceptable.

There's alot more to it than just the technology argument, and your point is valid. Look at the state the PS3 is in though, has Cell done ANYTHING that can't already be done on the 360 or a powerful PC, and I mean in a game, not calculations or numbers blah blah. The same question goes for Blu-Ray. Right now the answers to both questions are a very clear 'No'. 

 Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for advancements in technology, but if those technologies in question aren't justified or proven to advance anything then really what is the point? In the end you're the one paying more for something that isn't showing it's worth. 

 The Wii is pushing technology forward but not the same areas as the 360 or PS3.


Like I said though, there are many reasons, and the 'technology' area in general isn't one of the major points either.  


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ArtofAngels said:
I don't know many 7 years olds that have enough pocket money to buy brand new games.

When I was 10 I used to get my commmodre games (usual price £10+/ $20) for 25p $0.50. This was before bar scanners and I would go in a particular store, take the full priced game from the shelf and swap it's sticker with a bargain bin sticker.

I did this for months until one day I walked in and was greated with a giant sign over the games saying:



MrMarc said:
Xiru said:

Wow, you can't support the way Sony is going? You mean to improve the technology just like video games have been doing since the colecovision? I can't support the Wii for the exact same reason. Giving us old technology is unacceptable.

There's alot more to it than just the technology argument, and your point is valid. Look at the state the PS3 is in though, has Cell done ANYTHING that can't already be done on the 360 or a powerful PC, and I mean in a game, not calculations or numbers blah blah. The same question goes for Blu-Ray. Right now the answers to both questions are a very clear 'No'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for advancements in technology, but if those technologies in question aren't justified or proven to advance anything then really what is the point? In the end you're the one paying more for something that isn't showing it's worth.

The Wii is pushing technology forward but not the same areas as the 360 or PS3.

Like I said though, there are many reasons, and the 'technology' area in general isn't one of the major points either.

Well of course the PS3 isn't showing its worth yet, its semi new. :) Blu-Ray is finally starting to pay off for developers as games get bigger and bigger. We won't really know if it was worth anything until later in the PS3's life after we see some exclusives that take advantage of it. But back to the loyalty topic. We choose our loyalty because the systems of this generation are very different from each other. And as MrMarc stated, we each have our own reasons. I'm totally for system loyalty. It makes video games more interesting. :)

selnor said:

I remeber when I was 7 getting up on a saturday morning and deciding what game I was buying with my pocket money. It didnt matter which system it was on, It mattered if it was good!

You could go to school and say to anyone "Bought such and such, it's crap" and you wouldnt get a reply like "Thats just because you hate Nintendo"

Nowadys People buy a system because they feel they owe a company loyalty. That company could shit in their mouth and they would smile and say "I still love you."

 I hate it worse when a particular system is really struggling for decent games and loyaty fans(with shit in there mouth) say stuff like "It's amazing, just wait in 2 years there will be some really good games"

What the F**K? I dont want to wait 2 years!

When I had a Gamecube I never said stuff like that. I got quite pissed off with Nintendo and bought a PS2.

People are not gamers anymore they are

Company loyalists. 

That must've been during the Atari times when there was only one console cuz as far as I remember fanboyism started with the Super Nintendo and Genesis generation.

What are you looking at, nerd?
Xiru said:
The company loyalty developed because the gaming systems of today are very different than when NES and SNES was big. Back then games were all about graphics and gameplay. Nintendo was pushing the envelope with amazing games. Now they have given up on that and gone to the casual market. This is where loyalty comes in. People who like PS3 love new technology and having the best games they can get and are most likely the people from the generation of the SNES. People who own the 360 like good graphics and are probably the newer generation of gamers just picking up games to play casually and some hardcore who enjoy playing with friends online. Wii I see as more of a system for younger children and older adults. It has a lot of games with short bursts of gameplay but nothing too in depth or hardcore to frustrate them and a lot of games to choose from. My loyalty lies with PS3 because it is the best system of this generation. It offers advanced graphics, sound, online and overall technology. Sony is trying to stick to the true video game formula by offering epic games with amazing graphics and gameplay. Loyalty comes in when I hear "PS3 is a failure" and I have to set them straight. So people say i'm loyal to the PS3 no matter what, and thats not true. I'm loyal to the PS3 because I feel it is the best system of this generation, just as I was to the NES, SNES, and PS1.

Wii is for everyone, period... if you really enjoy playing videogames, and want some "depth" and great controls, try the RE4 Wii version, or Metroid Prime 3, and then we'll talk about the "new tech" Nintendo is bringing on the table...

And if the graphics on the PS2 were good enough for you, then you should enjoy the Wii's best graphics just the same.. it's not that important anyway, cos to be honest, without Wii, i'd have left console gaming forever...

I didn't have such a great gaming time for years, and you may call me "old school", i now what i'm talkin about... Wii is a really fun system, at least when you play the best games for it... and there are easily 20 great games already released, and many more to come, all styles, for any type of gamer... just try it, really...



"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

MrMarc said:
Xiru said:

Wow, you can't support the way Sony is going? You mean to improve the technology just like video games have been doing since the colecovision? I can't support the Wii for the exact same reason. Giving us old technology is unacceptable.

There's alot more to it than just the technology argument, and your point is valid. Look at the state the PS3 is in though, has Cell done ANYTHING that can't already be done on the 360 or a powerful PC, and I mean in a game, not calculations or numbers blah blah. The same question goes for Blu-Ray. Right now the answers to both questions are a very clear 'No'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for advancements in technology, but if those technologies in question aren't justified or proven to advance anything then really what is the point? In the end you're the one paying more for something that isn't showing it's worth.

The Wii is pushing technology forward but not the same areas as the 360 or PS3.


Like I said though, there are many reasons, and the 'technology' area in general isn't one of the major points either.

 But that's all your opinion, YOU haven't seen anything, I have. I've seen the jump from Resistance 1 to Ratchet and Clank, I've seen Uncharted, I see things in Sony exclusives that I just don't see on the 360. And the whole "number calculations blah blah blah" sure if you want to view it that way go ahead, personally I'll take the "setting an unprecedented world record in folding@home to learn and prevent illnesses such as Alzeimers, Cancer and shit I dunno west nile virus". Look if you want to make Sony out to be the monster, go ahead. But we call that "wearing the shades". 

I play video games to relax, and enjoy an interactive story, should I make Nintendo the enemy? Trying to get me "more active" and with story's about as deptfull as a 4 year olds picture book? No, I simply don't like them, do I understand what they're doing? Absolutely, and I applaud them for it. Thank god for Sony even bothering to push technology or we'd be stuck with playstation 1 hardware (how long was the original gameboy out for before updating?). Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.  

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