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MrMarc said:
Xiru said:

Wow, you can't support the way Sony is going? You mean to improve the technology just like video games have been doing since the colecovision? I can't support the Wii for the exact same reason. Giving us old technology is unacceptable.

There's alot more to it than just the technology argument, and your point is valid. Look at the state the PS3 is in though, has Cell done ANYTHING that can't already be done on the 360 or a powerful PC, and I mean in a game, not calculations or numbers blah blah. The same question goes for Blu-Ray. Right now the answers to both questions are a very clear 'No'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL for advancements in technology, but if those technologies in question aren't justified or proven to advance anything then really what is the point? In the end you're the one paying more for something that isn't showing it's worth.

The Wii is pushing technology forward but not the same areas as the 360 or PS3.


Like I said though, there are many reasons, and the 'technology' area in general isn't one of the major points either.

 But that's all your opinion, YOU haven't seen anything, I have. I've seen the jump from Resistance 1 to Ratchet and Clank, I've seen Uncharted, I see things in Sony exclusives that I just don't see on the 360. And the whole "number calculations blah blah blah" sure if you want to view it that way go ahead, personally I'll take the "setting an unprecedented world record in folding@home to learn and prevent illnesses such as Alzeimers, Cancer and shit I dunno west nile virus". Look if you want to make Sony out to be the monster, go ahead. But we call that "wearing the shades". 

I play video games to relax, and enjoy an interactive story, should I make Nintendo the enemy? Trying to get me "more active" and with story's about as deptfull as a 4 year olds picture book? No, I simply don't like them, do I understand what they're doing? Absolutely, and I applaud them for it. Thank god for Sony even bothering to push technology or we'd be stuck with playstation 1 hardware (how long was the original gameboy out for before updating?). Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.  

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