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selnor said:

I remeber when I was 7 getting up on a saturday morning and deciding what game I was buying with my pocket money. It didnt matter which system it was on, It mattered if it was good!

You could go to school and say to anyone "Bought such and such, it's crap" and you wouldnt get a reply like "Thats just because you hate Nintendo"

Nowadys People buy a system because they feel they owe a company loyalty. That company could shit in their mouth and they would smile and say "I still love you."

 I hate it worse when a particular system is really struggling for decent games and loyaty fans(with shit in there mouth) say stuff like "It's amazing, just wait in 2 years there will be some really good games"

What the F**K? I dont want to wait 2 years!

When I had a Gamecube I never said stuff like that. I got quite pissed off with Nintendo and bought a PS2.

People are not gamers anymore they are

Company loyalists. 

That must've been during the Atari times when there was only one console cuz as far as I remember fanboyism started with the Super Nintendo and Genesis generation.

What are you looking at, nerd?