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Forums - General Discussion - Anyone interested in making an RPG?

I've already made an RPG with RPG Maker 2003, actually. It's called Legend of Shenja - Genesis Innocens. It turned out pretty good, if you ask me. If you'd like to tackle making one with either RM2K3 or RM2K, I know quite a few coding tricks for both of those versions of the program.

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I'm developing an RPG for over 5 years now. It's called Scenia: Shadows of the New Order.

Here are some screenshots of the game (right click and view image to see the full screens)



I would love to be involved, from story writing to musical. Anything I can do to help would be great.

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I could work on writing and conceptual stuff.

Project idea: All of the characters are consoles, and they're fighting against the armies of the evil Jackian Thompsonicus.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Chrizum said:

I'm developing an RPG for over 5 years now. It's called Scenia: Shadows of the New Order.

Here are some screenshots of the game (right click and view image to see the full screens)



 Great work man . Youve probably put tons of effort in it .


On topic : I would like it , but all I can do is voiceact and storywrite :P 

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I would love to help, i dont know what i could contribute other than some creative help/cheerleading!

nope im not interested since i dont like rpg games

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I have some experience in Blender, mostly with buildings, so I could help with the escenario items, etc, (I have a little exp with OpenGL in Java, but where are not going to use it :P)

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."
Chrizum said:

I'm developing an RPG for over 5 years now. It's called Scenia: Shadows of the New Order.

Here are some screenshots of the game (right click and view image to see the full screens)



Nice, what are you using to make that? Did you make all the art assets yourself?

Though one criticism: that is the busiest rock road texture I've ever seen. :-p
No offense, but that would look much better as the side of a cliff.  Things just kind of blend in to it.

My thoughts are roughly this.

We'll need 2-3 story writers, these guys/gals would determine the story of the game, main mission, enemies, side quests, dialogue, and pretty much the core ideas behind the game. These people would need to have a powerful, unique imagination to decide practically everything about the game.

We'd need a few "map builders" and these guys would be responsible for creating the landscapes, a general idea of what the world looks like, buildings, pretty much everything you'd see. Could also maybe have them do character design as well. These guys/gals would have to work with the story writers to make everything mesh together.

Finally there'd be a few of the "programmers" and these are the guys who take all the information, such as dialogue and quests and what not and make them happen in the game.

The flow of development would be something like this.

1. StoryLine developed and agreed upon.
2. Setting is developed and agreed upon.
3. Writers begin working on the story/plot with as much detail as possible.
4. While 3 is going on, mappers are creating the areas that were agreed upon in 2.
5. Maps are all finished.
6. "Programmers" add in NPCs and the like and add dialogue from writers and other related information.
7. Finished Product? I dunno :P

Flow is important, so this would be a project where everyone has to be mature, calm and have the time to do their part. Everything should tie in in the end. Like say the world is an ice world caused by some natural disaster, we can't really have turbans or light clothed NPCs or characters, or desert areas.

Everything should be democratic so any ideas or plans should be agreed upon by the group and not by whoever is doing whatever role in the project.

At least that's how I think it should go if we ever decide to do this.