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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Smash Brothers has killed my desire to play video games...

Girl Gamer Elite said:
You claim none of my comparisons are good but only point out two, of which you are mistaken in Wolf being the main Villain, he's only ever been an anti-hero, Andross is the main villain.

Everyone expected more characters, but no one is bothered by the fact there aren't. It is people like you attacking us for merely saying we hoped for more characters that made this an issue.

After the fact its easy for anyone to say this is all that should have been expected. Where were you before the final roster was listed when people made claims of their being lots of characters? Where was Nazna and his claim people are ignorant of Smash because of their want for more characters before the final Roster was released.

You're just cowards standing tall after the fact, none of you had the courage to say any of this before the roster was announced because you yourselves had no clue just how many there would be. Right now you just can't stand seeing anyone have any reservations about a game. As a bonus you get to play the "I'm a true fan but you're not" ego ride.

You Blaydcor have just jumped into this without knowing how it started and how Nazna turned a small thing into a huge drama fest. To be honest, and given your past history on the forum too, you just want to argue.

I don't ''just want to argue'', I only post when I have something to say. If that happens to be arguing, so be it. You're clearly unaware of how many assumptions are in your arguments, and how faulty that makes them. This is not "drama", this is me pointing out that your post sounded whiny. I'm not even defending brawl. You could be saying this for any game and I would be annoyed. Also, if you had asked me how many characters would be in the roster, I probably would have said "10 or 15 more than melee." Quit assuming everybody was as petty and you and ''expected a huge roster''.

And, just because you requested them

Wolf: More significant character than Krystal (and gameplay wise makes sense---not as many heavy brawlers)

Diddy: Way more significant than MidnaCaptain N: Admittedly, just my opinion, but he would seem very out of place in Brawl

Mach Rider: Bland, not particularly interesting, and, to be honest, generic. Pit is a much more interesting choice. Nostalgia is the only card Mach Rider holds.

Megaman: It's not like they can knock on Capcom's door and say ''we're putting Megaman in." Sonic was heavily demanded by fans, and Snake was the initial 3rd party character, requested by Kojima. There was no evidence for Megaman, just groundless hope.

It's not that I "can't stand anybody having any reservations about the game." It's that I'm annoyed by you whining over what is completely a non-issue. Raise a legitimate concern, and I'll agree with you. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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naznatips said:
Yeah, and I'm majorly disappointed that so many people won't stop bitching about the roster. Especially since most of the people bitching have minor knowledge of the series at best, and are ruining the experience for people who do love the franchise and aren't whiney little babies about it.

Quote for the truth. I can't beleive people expected 4 3rd parties and 50 characters.


EDIT: I expected 35-40 characters to be on the safe side because I KNEW having more than 40 sounded a little unrealistic. And considering we have 39 movesets, I think it's all good.

It's almost funny how almost everyone on my wishlist made it besides Mega Man and Ridley. XD Ridley is a boss so I'm really cool with that. And Inafune didn't bother to contact Sakurai even when he wanted to have him in Brawl...I just knew Capcom was going to screw up there. 

It is pretty exciting today.. I stopped in the bookstore and read the review in Nintendo Power of it and, needless to say, I was so excited I couldn't really pay attention to work today.

Why are you getting it on the 4th?


I downloaded the 1 gig or so of music and have listened to every song a dozen times.

Also, Brawl is my one and only hope to kill my WoW addiction. I'v been playing WoW on and off and every other game simply doesn't sound fun to me compared to WoW. Well, that is except for Brawl and Spore, but Spore isn't out until November so if I plan this right I can play Brawl for 6 months strait... hmm...

No one said there would be 4 third party characters. Sakurai said there was room for 3 third party characters so we all assumed there would be one after beyond Sonic and Snake.

Ridley could never be a playable character, I think the suggestion is stupid too, but stop acting like that what everyone is dissapointed about. The Game has both Ridley and Meta-Ridley as bosses, that's more than anyone could ask for.

Krystal was a pivitol asset in Star Fox Adventures, Wolf has only ever made cameo appearances in the Star Fox Games as a sub-villain or anti-hero, at the very least both are equal in importance, at the very most Krystal is the more important, and from a practical stand point Krystal is far far far more popular with fans.

Again, where were all of you to say this before the final roster was announced? Where were you when everyone hoped for a huge roster? Where were you when people speculated who the third 3rd party character would be? Only now after the roster is set and done do you have the courage to step in and act like it was common sense all along that this was they way it could have only ever been.

Again, you assume we're saying the game sucks now that the characters we hoped would be in it, aren't. That's not true, we just said we hoped for a bigger roster and Naznatips jumped down our throats turning what we had said into an attack on the game and in our defense this whole mess is percieved by people not willing to read the whole thread as us saying our list of characters are better and the current ones suck, which isn't true.

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Just to note (incase you thought my post was directed at you), my reply wasn't directed at anyone in this thread, I was thinking of smashboards, youtube and GameFAQs at the time. Sorry if I offended you.

Ah, my mistake. Sorry.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Edouble24 said:
No. It didn't.

It's called sarcasm you clueless dolt.

And that was called messing with you to try to get a reaction out of you.

Seriously though, you should be a character in this game. You're manly enough to Smash with the best of them. 


Edouble24 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Edouble24 said:
No. It didn't.

It's called sarcasm you clueless dolt.

And that was called messing with you to try to get a reaction out of you.

Seriously though, you should be a character in this game. You're manly enough to Smash with the best of them. 


Talk about transparent feigned confidence, lol. How old are you kid? You argue like a 14 year old.

"Oh you see, I was just messing with you and totally in control from the start so no matter how badly I failed to be clever I still win!"

Oh yeah, good thing I'm manly enough to be in this game because that wasn't a self-defeating and immature stretch of an insult at all! LMFAO! I wasn't aware Sakurai was looking for Forum lurkers to fill in the empty roster, lol! Oh you zinged me there! I also wasn't aware manliness was a requirement with all the females already in it, lol! Well I do admit my constant pumping weights on the forum and talking about beer and sports next to the water cooler with the VG chartz males does paint quite a manly picture of myself, lol!

Kid, you're out of your league, go to bed. To take a page from your own book on debating I leave you with: "I know you are, but what am I?"

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Edouble24 said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Edouble24 said:
No. It didn't.

It's called sarcasm you clueless dolt.

And that was called messing with you to try to get a reaction out of you.

Seriously though, you should be a character in this game. You're manly enough to Smash with the best of them. 


Talk about transparent feigned confidence, lol. How old are you kid? You argue like a 14 year old.

"Oh you see, I was just messing with you and totally in control from the start so no matter how badly I failed to be clever I still win!"

Oh yeah, good thing I'm manly enough to be in this game because that wasn't a self-defeating and immature stretch of an insult at all! LMFAO! I wasn't aware Sakurai was looking for Forum lurkers to fill in the empty roster, lol! Oh you zinged me there! I also wasn't aware manliness was a requirement with all the females already in it, lol! Well I do admit my constant pumping weights on the forum and talking about beer and sports next to the water cooler with the VG chartz males does paint quite a manly picture of myself, lol!

Kid, you're out of your league, go to bed. To take a page from your own book on debating I leave you with: "I know you are, but what am I?"

lol it worked again. Only a clueless dolt would fall for the same trick twice. And it was just your photo that painted a manly picture of yourself, not the other stuff.