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No one said there would be 4 third party characters. Sakurai said there was room for 3 third party characters so we all assumed there would be one after beyond Sonic and Snake.

Ridley could never be a playable character, I think the suggestion is stupid too, but stop acting like that what everyone is dissapointed about. The Game has both Ridley and Meta-Ridley as bosses, that's more than anyone could ask for.

Krystal was a pivitol asset in Star Fox Adventures, Wolf has only ever made cameo appearances in the Star Fox Games as a sub-villain or anti-hero, at the very least both are equal in importance, at the very most Krystal is the more important, and from a practical stand point Krystal is far far far more popular with fans.

Again, where were all of you to say this before the final roster was announced? Where were you when everyone hoped for a huge roster? Where were you when people speculated who the third 3rd party character would be? Only now after the roster is set and done do you have the courage to step in and act like it was common sense all along that this was they way it could have only ever been.

Again, you assume we're saying the game sucks now that the characters we hoped would be in it, aren't. That's not true, we just said we hoped for a bigger roster and Naznatips jumped down our throats turning what we had said into an attack on the game and in our defense this whole mess is percieved by people not willing to read the whole thread as us saying our list of characters are better and the current ones suck, which isn't true.