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Girl Gamer Elite said:
You claim none of my comparisons are good but only point out two, of which you are mistaken in Wolf being the main Villain, he's only ever been an anti-hero, Andross is the main villain.

Everyone expected more characters, but no one is bothered by the fact there aren't. It is people like you attacking us for merely saying we hoped for more characters that made this an issue.

After the fact its easy for anyone to say this is all that should have been expected. Where were you before the final roster was listed when people made claims of their being lots of characters? Where was Nazna and his claim people are ignorant of Smash because of their want for more characters before the final Roster was released.

You're just cowards standing tall after the fact, none of you had the courage to say any of this before the roster was announced because you yourselves had no clue just how many there would be. Right now you just can't stand seeing anyone have any reservations about a game. As a bonus you get to play the "I'm a true fan but you're not" ego ride.

You Blaydcor have just jumped into this without knowing how it started and how Nazna turned a small thing into a huge drama fest. To be honest, and given your past history on the forum too, you just want to argue.

I don't ''just want to argue'', I only post when I have something to say. If that happens to be arguing, so be it. You're clearly unaware of how many assumptions are in your arguments, and how faulty that makes them. This is not "drama", this is me pointing out that your post sounded whiny. I'm not even defending brawl. You could be saying this for any game and I would be annoyed. Also, if you had asked me how many characters would be in the roster, I probably would have said "10 or 15 more than melee." Quit assuming everybody was as petty and you and ''expected a huge roster''.

And, just because you requested them

Wolf: More significant character than Krystal (and gameplay wise makes sense---not as many heavy brawlers)

Diddy: Way more significant than MidnaCaptain N: Admittedly, just my opinion, but he would seem very out of place in Brawl

Mach Rider: Bland, not particularly interesting, and, to be honest, generic. Pit is a much more interesting choice. Nostalgia is the only card Mach Rider holds.

Megaman: It's not like they can knock on Capcom's door and say ''we're putting Megaman in." Sonic was heavily demanded by fans, and Snake was the initial 3rd party character, requested by Kojima. There was no evidence for Megaman, just groundless hope.

It's not that I "can't stand anybody having any reservations about the game." It's that I'm annoyed by you whining over what is completely a non-issue. Raise a legitimate concern, and I'll agree with you. 


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.