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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is Sony responsible for the PS4's great sales, or are Nintendo/Microsoft?

Its everything from nintendos lack of vision to MS not knowing their market and blowing it at E3 and sony captialized on it.

Remember the closed door meeting MS and Sony had before the next gen systems were even announced, when it was still orbis and durango. Sony could have setup MS for fail because they prob both agreed on the digital and drm thing at first.


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The media has a part in it too. Pretty much every gaming site is saying that PS4 is miraculous while Wii U and Xbox will give you cancer. I wish there were more objectivity in gaming press. Objectively all 3 consoles are fine. PS4 is the best value for power, while One and U offer alternative new tech for gaming. They're all sturdy and well made, have good controls and all output good looking games. The only problem I see is that the other two are still too pricey Wii U should be at Wii's price and One should be equal to 4. It'd be nice if there were more discussion about trying out the product and games before you make an opinion.

Both. Sony made gaming cool for everyone to play and not just children. Their name is synonymous worldwide with gaming. The faults of Microsoft have aided their ascent, but at the same time anyone knows that naturally if Sony and Microsoft launched together people would truly have to decide which console would win. Nine times out of ten based on the way the brand operate on a worldwide level Sony would win. The one out of ten would go to America but I've heard that Sony is even beating them over there.

sony deserves it - they did everything right whilst microsoft and nintendo were hellbent on self sabotage

Sony did and excellent job. On top of that, Microsoft also did an excellent job at E3 to promote the PS4.

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Soundwave said:
binary solo said:
Clearly not screwing up is an important strategy and it is entirely down to Sony that they did not screw up.

I'm not really sure how Nintendo screwed up. Wii U is a good machine for the price (though maybe not for the launch price), the tablet controller works well, they might have been a bit slow to release games but they have a good library of games only 1 year after launch. Perhaps they didn't need a tablet controller and the Wiimotion plus could have seen Nintendo through 2 generations. But I think mostly Nintendo just didn't understand it's Wii audience and that most of them were never going to buy into the generation anyway.

MS did screw up plain and simple, almost in every possible way except they didn't release a console with a high failure rate.

$350 for something that barely outperforms a 7 year old XBox 360 was never a good idea in any universe. 

No, it noticably outperforms 7th gen but perhaps not by as much as the  serious gamers want. Besides, in theory to appeal to the Wii install base they only needed to massively outperform Wii, which it certainly does. But as I've said before, the problem was that most of the Wii install base either lost interest in console gaming all together, or were still very happy to stick with Wii and see no reason to move on. Nintendo just failed to read their reality and assumed they had an expanded committed fanbase.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


Sony did many things right this time.

On top of everything, Sony did not try to give gamers what they weren't asking for, this time. People didn't want bluray and Cell in 2006. As much as they don't seem to want Kinect and the Gamepad now.

Good topic, and I say both.

Coming off of this gen, Microsoft could have easily owned NA if they had just repeated what made the 360 such a success: A $399 console that was focused on games and that developers were anxious for. Instead, Sony pulled a 180, and consequently, did a "360".

Kwaidd said:
soulfly666 said:

Sony was responsible for PS3 sales with great exclusives later in its life. That will happen in time with PS4 also and the track record is certainly responsible for some of PS4's success, but as of right now a large amount of their success is due to decision by MS and Nintendo. The gamepad screen is pretty dumb. More people are going to dislike it than like it. Microsoft's decisions to go with the higher price point with weaker hardware, forced Kinect, and their completely horrible failure of forced digital and DRM, no used 180's etc. were a huge huge misstep. Their initial PR decisions were so bad I think it could even take a year or 2 to get out of their shadow. All that being said Titanfall is AMAZING.  Rememeber the guy telling people to just deal with it and that is what 360 is for etc. etc.  LOL !!!  When you try to f*** someone who doesn't want to be f***** by you aggressively or forcefully, some people will forgive it if you make it up to them, but more people will run screaming and never look back.

I'm wagering that you don't own a "U" you?

btw, Sepultura > Soulfly

@boled:  Off topic, but  +1.

Kwaidd said:
soulfly666 said:

Sony was responsible for PS3 sales with great exclusives later in its life. That will happen in time with PS4 also and the track record is certainly responsible for some of PS4's success, but as of right now a large amount of their success is due to decision by MS and Nintendo. The gamepad screen is pretty dumb. More people are going to dislike it than like it. Microsoft's decisions to go with the higher price point with weaker hardware, forced Kinect, and their completely horrible failure of forced digital and DRM, no used 180's etc. were a huge huge misstep. Their initial PR decisions were so bad I think it could even take a year or 2 to get out of their shadow. All that being said Titanfall is AMAZING.  Rememeber the guy telling people to just deal with it and that is what 360 is for etc. etc.  LOL !!!  When you try to f*** someone who doesn't want to be f***** by you aggressively or forcefully, some people will forgive it if you make it up to them, but more people will run screaming and never look back.

I'm wagering that you don't own a "U" you?

btw, Sepultura > Soulfly

Nope, played it quite a bit though, and the gamepad is a gimmick and totally ditches the casual player that was so drawn to the 1st Wii.  I def don't hate it, but it is clearly too weird (or as Nintendo and its fans want to think "innovative") for anywhere near as many people to like it then won't like it. Agreed on Sepultura, I just use this name because I have it on a lot of sites and games and have been using it for 15 + years.  Sepultura is way better, and Arise is one of the best albums of all time.  Pantera and Slayer are better than both.  I doubt anyone would say Soulfly is better than Sepultura.  Their only great album was the first self titled one.  Arise, Beneath the Remains, and Chaos AD were amazing.  Roots, Morbid Visions, Beastial Devastation, Blood-Rooted were all pretty good as well.