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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which fanbase is worse? FFVII Diehards vs Genwunner

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Which is worse?

Final Fantasy VII 33 33.67%
Genwunners 65 66.33%
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
I have a different opinion. The worst are those that werent there to experience it and think theyare overated.
Both fans of those 2 franchises have a very good point. The best experiences are the fresh ones.

Nice try at beeing hipster,but ultimately flawed.

Im confused. How am I trying to be hipster?? By asking people for an opinion

By implying there is something wrong with liking a certain (popular) game over others.

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Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
I have a different opinion. The worst are those that werent there to experience it and think theyare overated.
Both fans of those 2 franchises have a very good point. The best experiences are the fresh ones.

Nice try at beeing hipster,but ultimately flawed.

Im confused. How am I trying to be hipster?? By asking people for an opinion

By implying there is something wrong with liking a certain (popular) games over others.

I never said liking game A over game B was wrong though did I

ktay95 said:
Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
I have a different opinion. The worst are those that werent there to experience it and think theyare overated.
Both fans of those 2 franchises have a very good point. The best experiences are the fresh ones.

Nice try at beeing hipster,but ultimately flawed.

Im confused. How am I trying to be hipster?? By asking people for an opinion

By implying there is something wrong with liking a certain (popular) games over others.

I never said liking game A over game B was wrong though did I

You are implying that these fanbases are bad, so yeah you are.

Genwunners. It's okay to not get into the newer games or whatever, but denying that at least Gold and Silver were a vast improvement to the series is just dumb. Every last thing about those games was better, including the Pokemon designs. While they had nothing quite as dumb as an ice cream cone, Red and Blue were filled with really dumb, lazy designs.

Nostalgia goggles, man. Some people have them permanently glued to their faces.

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Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9

Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
ktay95 said:
Nem said:
I have a different opinion. The worst are those that werent there to experience it and think theyare overated.
Both fans of those 2 franchises have a very good point. The best experiences are the fresh ones.

Nice try at beeing hipster,but ultimately flawed.

Im confused. How am I trying to be hipster?? By asking people for an opinion

By implying there is something wrong with liking a certain (popular) games over others.

I never said liking game A over game B was wrong though did I

You are implying that these fanbases are bad, so yeah you are.

 They are though -_- Liking FFVII or Gen 1 Pokemon dosent mean you are apart of the fanbases Im talking about (Crazy Diehards and Genwunners). You can like FFVII and not bitch and moan everytime an FF announcement is made that isnt 7 related, you can like Gen 1 and ignore the new games rather than bitching on forums about how shit the new games are compared to Gen 1 every day. If that is you then Im not talking about you. If you are however one of those annoying fucks then yes you are apart of a terrible fucking fanbase that makes the rest of the people who like the game look bad

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ktay95 said:
Nem said:

You are implying that these fanbases are bad, so yeah you are.

 They are though -_- Liking FFVII or Gen 1 Pokemon dosent mean you are apart of the fanbases Im talking about (Crazy Diehards and Genwunners). You can like FFVII and not bitch and moan everytime an FF announcement is made that isnt 7 related, you can like Gen 1 and ignore the new games rather than bitching on forums about how shit the new games are compared to Gen 1 every day. If that is you then Im not talking about you. If you are however one of those annoying fucks then yes you are apart of a terrible fucking fanbase that makes the rest of the people who like the game look bad

I see. Well, those people are just well... impossible to please, lets say. I dont think a particular game defines them, but its just the type of person they are. These same people will probably have the same opinion about every series and movie.

As an FFVII fan, I will go with the FFVII die hards because of them there are a lot of FFVII haters and I can't say anything about good about FFVII without being attacked by the haters and a lot of those haters only really started hating on the game because of the die hards. It's a vicious cycle, I tell ya.

Ive never seen so many fans of FFVII discredit other Final Fantasy games, actually I have seen more "hipsters" hating on FFVII with the overrated thing(which could be true, but it seems it comes from the fact that they hate that its more popular than their favorite one)

The pokemon statement is true though, I dont hate those people but I could undestand why a diehard pokemon fan would

jack100 said:

Also not true.  The people that only like the first gens pokemon are in their late 20s or early 30s.  if I remember correctly red and blue came out when I was in high school and we loved both those games.  Those people are in those age range now.  If what you say is true then genwenners wouldn't exist as the OP states. :)

Im 23 and believe me most of my friends, early 20s and late teens,  hate any new gen of pokemon after the first one, maybe some like or tolerate the second one, but after that I think they lost the "casual" childhood fan who was into pokemon just because of the anime and only played first and maybe 2nd gen


Also, I think people that "hate" new pokemon games dont hate them because of gameplay reasons, but for the new pokemon designs and the fact that the anime is overmilked. Which proves the point its an anime related thing


I was once one, I've since seen the light.