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Forums - Sales Discussion - Do you still think WiiU can outsell Gamecube? (US: Second January, GC: 81k Vs WiiU: 49k)


Will WiiU Beat Gamecube?

Yes 190 47.98%
No 138 34.85%
Maybe / See results 66 16.67%
DolPhanTendo said:

I like how people say the game pad is worthless, Oh excuse me 18-24 year olds. Its actually a great controller and is very comfortable In your hands. Game pad is just another innovative thing to come out of Nintendo. Example Wii Party U has a mini game that is Awesome. Its called Water Runners the innovation on it is top notch. Also having 2 kids makes the game pad flourish as well, i can watch say baseball and of my daughter wants to play 3D world she can while I watch My A's play. Like I said young immature adults who live at home with mommy dont understand because they dont have worry anythin about and their mommy takes care of them so they bitch about everything Nintendo does

LOL, what a mature attitude for an adult and parent to have.

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No, it may come close to around ~20 million if we're optimistic.

Sometimes who have to fight fire with fire

and sometimes you have to use proper grammar ;)

I'm thinking it will sell less than Dreamcast; after all, DKCTF got a 5/10 from GameSpot.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


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I think it could go either way, both consoles are primarily made for core Nintendo franchises and when u take into account a few things it makes sense why Gamecube is doing better in the same time frame.

At this point Gamecube cost $150 for 9 months already vs Wii U at $300.

Gamecube had Smash Bros, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Star Fox, Animal Crossing, Metroid, Zelda, 3D Mario

Wii U has 2D/3D Mario, Pikmin, Zelda remake

So Gamecube has the price and Nintendo game advantage currently so if Wii U gets its price down and starts releasing there core franchises at a faster pace than it may catch or surpass GC. The only problem is at the moment neither of those things seems to be happening. Wii U is sold at a loss at $300 so a price drop doesnt appear to be in the near future and Nintendo hasnt shown the ability to release games in a more timely fashion yet, 3 month gap between 3D Mario and Donkey Kong followed by another 3 month gap until Mario Kart.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

Chasesdaddy84 said:
BeElite said:
DevilRising said:

Regardless, this thread is just another in the millions of various NIntendoom threads posted every month around here. SOS.

what are you overly sensetive ?

its in no way a doom thread, get over it.

I was thinking the same thing when I read this. I don't own any of the next gen consoles. I'd love to get a WiiU but I can assure you it won't be my first next gen purchase. This entire thread is a good read mostly of people giving their opinion of the state of the WiiU at this moment in contrast to the Gamecube. There was very little to no troll comments or flame bait comments. If you read it that way, like (I think BeElite?) said, you are overly sensetive. Build a bridge and then take his last 3 words and do that. 

Snotty attitudes and snarky personal attacks don't make your opinions more valid. I never said this was a troll thread, though trolls most likely have still posted in it, because this IS VGChartz after all. What I was intimating, as if it wasn't obvious to anyone who comes here even semi-frenquently, is that this is just one of a billion variations on the "Wii U is doomed" or "Do you think Wii U is doomed" type of threads that have popped up on this site for the last year+. This specific thread isn't even the first one to ask it's specific question, in fact it's not even the second or likely third.

You're ignoring anything of substance I actually had to say, cherry-picking one quote, and using it to call me "overly sensetive", because I have the audacity to point out how unoriginal and "been done already" this thread is. Fantastic debating skills there guys. Instead of childish attacks, telling me to "build a bridge and get over it" (the king of intelligent, rational and mature ways to make your point), you could have possibly at least attempted reasoning out to me like grown-ups why you thought I was wrong about the nature of this thread, or asking me why I felt that way to make such a comment in the first place. 

Instead, I get rude and childish jibes and remarks, just because you disagree with something I had to say. *high five*

And sometimes your phone auto corrects you

zorg1000 said:
fatslob-:O said:
tbone51 said:
fatslob-:O said:
Will the WII U even outsell the VITA ?

i can see it happening but if it does it wont stay on top lifetime. Japan is the only thing keeping Vita look decent in WW sales, Europe Is doing Ok, but US numbers are a disaster. Of course WiiU aint in no good shape either. Its going to have terrible sales in March-May...... Again

Seriously though I can NOT think of ONE god damned region the WII U is going to do half decent in ...

Sony has taken over the EU and NA. Microsoft will get some scraps from UK/NA. Once PS4 launches in Japan it will demolish any momentum the WII U had there. 

Do u not even realize u completely changed ur argument? U went from Wii U vs Vita to Wii U vs X1/PS4

Did I have an argument ? (I honestly thought it was more of a comment on how things are doing ...)

DolPhanTendo said:
And sometimes your phone auto corrects you

Hmmmm. yeah no. grammer isnt even a word, so the idea that your phone would autocorrect to a word that doesnt exist...well I dont like saying people lie.