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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official - Nintendo Direct February 13 - Focusing on WiiU and 3DS games in Spring


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I give this Direct 7/10, maybe 7.5/10. I enjoyed all the new footage for Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8, X and Bayonetta 2, but there was too much focus on the eShop and also no new Wii U games. Could have been better.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Got about what I expected. No bombs dropped. Just Bayonetta 2 and X trailers, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Yoshi, and a bunch of eShop stuff. I'm not disappointed, but I'm not that excited either.

ElPresidente7 said:
No new Wii U games ;(

NES Remix 2 :)

Mr Khan said:
Huh, so Jeanne was sent to hell after all

I wouldn't have to wonder what you're talking about for very long if Iwata would have announced a Bayo1 port or something. :(

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Eh, that X trailer was disappointing.

What's the point of a Direct if you're not going to announce a single new game for your poorly selling console? May 30 for Mario Kart 8? Geez, how long does it take to make 16 tracks? Nothing new will be added besides that anyway(except some characters and items).

And this guys is the reason you have low expectations for Nintendo Directs.

Nintendo and PC gamer

BeElite said:
thats it... wtf are they thinking
nothing new...

This shouldn't be too much of a surprise. They said they were only going to talk about Spring, and that's kind of what they did. Release date for MK, some new Yoshi footage, and new Kirby footage. Also a ton of eShop, which was blargh.

The JP Direct said Summer 2014 for Bayo 2, is that Japan only?