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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official - Nintendo Direct February 13 - Focusing on WiiU and 3DS games in Spring

Mario Kart 8 better be the mother of all MK games, with how long it´s taking them to release it.

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It was alright I suppose, basing it on the crap they did most of last year. At least they show some new B2 and X stuff.

Yet it was ultimately disappointing. All that NES stuff is NOT going to sell consoles.

Brand new year, same old last year announced games.

NintendoPie said:
BeElite said:
thats it... wtf are they thinking
nothing new...

This shouldn't be too much of a surprise. They said they were only going to talk about Spring, and that's kind of what they did. Release date for MK, some new Yoshi footage, and new Kirby footage. Also a ton of eShop, which was blargh.

Could have shown a teaser for a game to be shown later in spring like E3, that would have worked.

JGarret said:
Eh, that X trailer was disappointing.

Thats because it wasnt a trailer. You got a trailer on E3.

This was much better. It was gameplay footage. There is alot of info on the battlesystem that can be taken out of that footage. Looking forward to the analysis videos.

Samus Aran said:

What's the point of a Direct if you're not going to announce a single new game for your poorly selling console? May 30 for Mario Kart 8? Geez, how long does it take to make 16 tracks? Nothing new will be added besides that anyway(except some characters and items).

Yeah, not like antigravity karts was new, such a rehash... :P

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When will they talk about new Wii U games? The E3 Direct?

Looks like another major game drought incoming for Wii U after Donkey Kong. I understand that they cannot rush games, but after all the bad press in the last month or so, I expected them to be more offensive. Additionaly, i thought they would learn from their mistakes...
Very weak Nintendo, very weak.

pretty much confirmed that there will be another drought between donkey and kart. Fuck you nintendo

burninmylight said:
Mr Khan said:
Huh, so Jeanne was sent to hell after all

I wouldn't have to wonder what you're talking about for very long if Iwata would have announced a Bayo1 port or something. :(

I never played Bayonetta 1 either, but in the promotional materials we saw for the game at E3, something happened to Jeanne that seemed to result in her soul getting knocked out of her body and then going underground. Now we see a bit more of what the plot is about: it's a rescue arc.

(i'd like a damn B1 port too!)

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

They should have just made the damn thing 20 minutes with the good stuff. Release those 3DS indie and eshop titles on their YT channel.
What I loved:
-SuperStar Saga
-Smash Bros
-MK8 looks fantastic
-Thank you Nintendo for supplying GAMEPLAY for X
-Bayonetta 2 trailer!!!
-Kirby and Yoshi and must buys!

What I didn't like:
-Too much filler crap
-No release date for Smash
-May 30th for MK8... What's going to fill the hole after February?
-No time frame for X">"><img src="