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Forums - Sony Discussion - Haze, not delayed anymore?

Looks like there is a possibilty that Haze might actually be coming in March:

"It's almost comical how often Haze has been delayed, touted as improved, set for release, then delayed once more. Over at the Haze forums, it seems one of the men from Free Radical took the initiative to post a reply to people complaining that the game won't actually ever release. He said, basically, there have been a lot of improvements made, the game is not like Duke Nukem Forever and will be released very soon. Ubisoft changed their listing from May to March. So, seems like if all goes according to plan, those who've been waiting for Haze may finally get to see it in the next month."

I really hope this is true and it would be a good reason for me to get a PS3 earlier.

Keeping my fingers crossed.

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LOL did he really say the game's not like Duke Nukem? xD

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

It was originally meant to come out in FY 06-07, then it was delayed, then it was delayed, then it was delayed, then it was brought forwards, then it will be delayed.
I am looking forwards to this game as I want some more co-op games to play with my brother (he wont play RSV 2 for some reason), and it is made by FR

Munkeh111 said:
It was originally meant to come out in FY 06-07, then it was delayed, then it was delayed, then it was delayed, then it was brought forwards, then it will be delayed.
I am looking forwards to this game as I want some more co-op games to play with my brother (he wont play RSV 2 for some reason), and it is made by FR

 Yeah I know, I meant not delayed until May.

Wait, it's not delayed? So it's coming out in November? They're a bit late...

And LOL @ the Duke Nukem comment.

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It was delayed from March to May and now, we might get it in March......

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
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To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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I don't think March, Ubisoft will delay it a bit so that it does not hinder sales of RSV, I would expect it in early april, before the launch of GTA

Jeez, its been in the making since the Cuba crisis, its about time it made an appearance already.
Hope its as good as Free Radical's other games, then it will actually be worth a purchase and might even get good reviews!

I hope so much that your right!

March would be great. It was supposed to be Dec. 4, but March may be sufficient.

I used to be exicted about this, until the constant delays, then I kind of stopped paying attention. Same with Home.

We'll miss you George.



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