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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo 64 was the best Nintendo console ever

all about games.
dont care the lack of CD and textures.
dont care the weirdiest control.

Give us games like n64's, and we will be happy!

Around the Network
Wright said:
IsawYoshi said:
Personally I think many downplay the great games on the Wii just because of the lesser casual games. Wii is my favourite.

It has indeed great games!



Captain Rainbow for the Wii is also awesome!


       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

badgenome said:
You misspelled SNES.

haha I agree with this

AZWification said:

Captain Rainbow for the Wii is also awesome!


People can say what they want, but these games are PURE GEMS!

N64 was my least favorite Nintendo home console. SNES was my fav of course followed by Wii/GC!!

Around the Network
Wright said:
AZWification said:

Captain Rainbow for the Wii is also awesome!


People can say what they want, but these games are PURE GEMS!

Too bad it was released only in Japan. Damn region locking..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:
Wright said:
AZWification said:

Captain Rainbow for the Wii is also awesome!


People can say what they want, but these games are PURE GEMS!

Too bad it was released only in Japan. Damn region locking..

Thanks for ruining mah dreams :(

Wright said:

Thanks for ruining mah dreams :(

 You should thank Nintendo. They region-locked the Wii. ;)

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

AZWification said:
Wright said:

Thanks for ruining mah dreams :(

 You should thank Nintendo. They region-locked the Wii. ;)

Granted, they also made it super-easy to crack, also.

Its also the first console who lets us have nintendo chars fight against each other

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