call it nintendoomed wiiu instead.
call it nintendoomed wiiu instead.
Tone & etiquette are important. Just because its the internet doesn't mean you get to throw blunt hostility toward other people without consequences.
I think there's some overmodding. I recall the thread about the Wii being a fad. Well myself and a few others started threads about SNES/PS2/etc. being fads (mostly for laughs) and all of these threads were locked without any explanation provided. The mods don't seem to have a sense of humor about things.
While I disagree with Mr Khan on numerous things, he's always struck me as a very fair moderator. I don't think what you said was banworthy, but it was kind of pushing it so I can't say I'm surprised.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure threads like these aren't allowed.
As they constantly say, they are harder on new people as they do not know if the're here to be complete assholes, or not yet.
Viper1 said: Tone. Tone can change how your posts are perceived by others and that includes mods and admins. If you wish to proclaim something negative in a manner that will instigate retaliatory comments and derail a thread after you've already been warned about posting in the Nintendo forums, you should prepare for moderator action. You were not only warned but apparently continued doing what you were warned about. And you wonder why a ban was issued? Tone. Learn the value of pleasantly toned discourse and you can make your opinions known anywhere with little to no consequences. |
So what I should have written to be more PC is the following then:
"I would like to respectfully disagree about certain statements that certain titles of a certain console will lead to improved volume of sales and rescue said console from its precarius situation. That said, I personally and by no means absolutely proclaim that I believe that a certain console is struggling and will likely not recover from dwindling sales this year."
How's that for tone? Derp.
See that's the issue, people want to bleech culture and sub-culture to remove any hint of offensive language including the internet. That cause is naive. It's the same camp of people who cry about the Redskins name. The PC movement is nothing but an attempt to bleech culture and to destroy diversity of expression.
If you have issues with a particular moderation, you can send a message to the mod in question or to the head mod (axumblade) if you believe you can't reach an agreement with the mod.
You can also post your comments in the following thread:
Making a thread for your specific issue is not the way to go so this is getting locked.
Signature goes here!
reggin_bolas said:
I've made personal attacks on Nintendo fans before which I regret and I deserved those suspensions. I've toned it down though and even though my rethoric is competitive and charged with rivalry, it doesn't rise to trolling. The fact that I'm being told to stay away from Nintendo threads is unjust and unreasonable. That's why I'm making this thread. |
This is a serious matter seeing as how I didn't believe that a ban was appropriate. I would say it's a warning at the worst and even then the mod should ask for some justification to that comment.
If you log into this site with no other reason to attack Nintendo/Nintendo fans you will keep getting banned and deservely so.
carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force
"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"
The definition of "flaming" is being applied way to broadly.