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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What are your thoughts on Miiverse? Suggested improvements?


Sony fans ruin polls

yes 11 100.00%

I like the drawings on it! There's some talented people drawing on miiverse, and some that make my eyes bleed, but it's fun!

I did 2 of my best drawings in my entire life on Miiverse!

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

Around the Network
Thoridias said:
I bet almost every single one of the people who voted they hate it have not actually used the service.

Most of them that voted hate it are probably Sony fanboys considering no way 95 would vote hate it yet no one post about why they hate it.  I'm just going to disable the poll because of this.  I should have know.

       Miiverse can be a very lulzy place at times. Too bad I got moderated for every drawing with bikini chicks that I ever  posted. :((

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I love it.

Go on there every day to check out SSB updates and what my friends have posted. Seeing what people can draw on there is amazing. Enjoy sticking up screenshots and think the stamps are pretty neat. (Need to be able to resize them and flip them over tho...)

I prefer it and Nintendo's online to my time with Xbox Live. More fun and it's free.

The ability to post videos, maybe adding colours and more stamps would be good. Also maybe making it slightly faster and smoother too.

AZWification said:

       Miiverse can be a very lulzy place at times. Too bad I got moderated for every drawing with bikini chicks that I ever  posted. :((

what actually happens when you're moderated on there? banned from posting for a bit or post just deleted? I read when installing it that you could get your 3ds system permanently banned by posting unsuitable content. Sounded a tad scary given Nintendos lack of experience in handling online interactions of players.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Around the Network
ganoncrotch said:
AZWification said:

       Miiverse can be a very lulzy place at times. Too bad I got moderated for every drawing with bikini chicks that I ever  posted. :((

what actually happens when you're moderated on there? banned from posting for a bit or post just deleted? I read when installing it that you could get your 3ds system permanently banned by posting unsuitable content. Sounded a tad scary given Nintendos lack of experience in handling online interactions of players.

 Well , each time I got moderated I got a message from the moderator and the picture got removed. I never got banned though.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I enjoy Miiverse and use it quite a lot actually.  being able to post screenshots to show funny glitches, cool areas and ask for help if needed.  There are a ton of people using the service and replying to posts.  Being able to have favorite communities keeps you in the know on the ones your interested in, and being able to follow users and dev posts is nice.

I do wish there were more devs having an active presence, but it's just cool to see them participating with the communities at all.  Barbie from Zen and the guys from twin tribes are pretty active.  A_Trey_U from Treyarch was pretty active when both blops2 and ghosts released, but then dissapears again.

There is a lot of potential there and adding new features and less restricted functionality would be great.

More social media options, like Facebook and Twitter integretion. I rarely post on miiverse, but if I do, I should have the option to put that post on Facebook at the same time, + it would give WiiU some free advertizing to all my facebook friends.

We can already post sceenshots, I wish we could post videos or short clips kind of like on PS4 and post them on Youtube.

More useprofil option. We should have the option to make publique all the games we own, how much time we played them, our favorite game and ACHIEVMENTS.


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)


AZWification said:
ganoncrotch said:
AZWification said:

       Miiverse can be a very lulzy place at times. Too bad I got moderated for every drawing with bikini chicks that I ever  posted. :((

what actually happens when you're moderated on there? banned from posting for a bit or post just deleted? I read when installing it that you could get your 3ds system permanently banned by posting unsuitable content. Sounded a tad scary given Nintendos lack of experience in handling online interactions of players.

 Well , each time I got moderated I got a message from the moderator and the picture got removed. I never got banned though.

Ah, I guess that kinda sucks if you've spent a lot of time on it but accidentally left something in it like the character is holding a drink or a cigarette. Like I said tho, them terms and the fact that Ninty are a bit new to controlling an online community like this I always have it in my mind on the service that it could be possible to end up with a 3DS which can't connect to the eshop if I slip up with something.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Miiverse is cool and im a very active user, i like how you can now post on the activity feed so that friends and followers only see your posts. Ive been moderated a few times, but hey ho. Also nice to have 3DS intergration in there, i think Ninty should try and take advantage of the 3DS user base to try and get more Wii U sells.