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Forums - General Discussion - What time do you stay up til?

I stay up til about 4 on school nights and I have to wake up at 6 and on weekends I usually stay up all night then sleep all day til like 5 then wak up and stay up. The longest I ever stayed up for was 3 days.

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2:15 right now, got a bag of chocolate and Diet Coke...



until whenever. >_>;

Maybe 2:30 on school nights. later on weekends.

I stay up pretty much all night till about 5am, then I go to sleep and wake up at about 1pm, sometimes I just wont sleep at all.

meh, usually about 1-3:00.
but on friday I didn't sleep at all. got home 6:30 saturday morning and wasted the rest of the day sleeping.

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I usually get out of hand with my Schedule of sleeping...

Usually, when I wake up at 2:00 PM.. it goes later and later and later till 11:00 PM XD

I don't want a signature.


What time is it in austrailia its like 2:24am here in Pennsylvania united states. That is like so far away.

Way too late. Between 2 and 4 on weekdays, usually after 5 on weekends.

It's 5:26pm at the moment in the Sunshine Coast, but that's likely to change as time goes on.

Midnights on weekdays
and maybe till 4 or 5 on weekends