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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft paying YouTubers for positive Xbox One coverage ( edited with more info )

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selnor1983 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
selnor1983 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
selnor1983 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
selnor1983 said:
fps_d0minat0r said:
selnor1983 said:
ganoncrotch said:
While I sort of agree with ioi here that no noteworthy legal action would ever come of any of this, I think this was a scheme someone at Microsoft thought would get some good PR for a fairly tiny amount of cash (I think the total payout from this is around 4k dollars) I think that has absolutely blown up in their faces. If they wanted people on social media talking about their system they sure got that... but in absolutely every way they didn't want.

I was thinking about the other feedback part of this, that people would attack positive videos about the X1 and its games for a bit on youtube because people would obviously think they're being paid off. But all a youtuber would need to do would be mention this issue at the start of the video, which to anyone who has read about it would know that would break the terms of the promotion if they were trying to make additional money from the video directly from Microsoft/Machinima. Would be less headwreck than getting the scorn of all the hate going about on youtube/twitter atm and still be able to talk about games you love.

Sony, Samsung, EA and Nintendo have all been shown yesterday to do this exact same thing. This isnt news. Its only come to serfucae because someone wants to use Microsoft as the devil. But unearthed something they ALL do. ROFL. That backfired on the GAF user didnt it.

If thats true, they should be punished equally. (btw do you have a source for this? I wouldnt be surprised at all, but just need something concrete to go on)

It still doesnt change the situation for MS.

Actually worse. Sony keeps saying they wont fake reviews, and then do it again. This was in this thred.

Id like to point out, that this site VGC with its followers have never posted this before or ever do this about Sony.

The world is not rosie. And every company pushes the limits.


What Machinima/Microsoft did was not illegal. Above is illegal.

If you read your own sources, you would find out that they got criticised for it and paid the fine for it.

Now MS got caught so they must do the same, your sources above give you even less reason to defend them.

You'll find your wrong. Its perfectly legal. As the makers of this very site have come on and even said to you all that this is common and is NOT illegal. Nothing will come of this fiasco at all. Machinima/Microsoft as well as EA have done nothing wrong. The promotion itself is not allowed to be secret. And it wasnt. The details withing were, and thats perfectly legal.

According to your links, those companies were investigated and some were fined. Why do you think the rules should be different for MS?

Either way, this thread (and many others on other sites) still proves its unethical in the eyes of the consumer and they wont let it go that easily.

But then again, I think they should let the law deal with MS and the best they can do is unsubscribe from these youtubers because until now, they have been supporting this by watching the videos.

They got fined for paying people to make False/fake reviews. MS is paying for advertising. Very different scenario. They simplay asked that they dont make an advert that says Xbox One is crap. Which makes sense. You arent going to pay someone to make an advert for your product that goes 100% against it and advertises the competition. Perfectly legal. As I said.

Ethically, is up to you. But legally this is all fine and nothing will come of this as the internet is finally realising this mornong.

"They simplay asked that they dont make an advert that says Xbox One is crap"

Thats enough to make it a false/fake review.

You have a twisted view on review. Next Xbox Advert on TV will say "Come and buy our overpriced living room games machine. It rectangle and not the shape of the AWEsome PS4.

TV adverts are reviews now.

Adverts are not reviews and reviews are not adverts.

Adverts are paid communications and convey a limited message.

Reviews are unpaid, unbiased and unrestricted opinions from journalists.

Restricting what you say in videos because someone paid you is ok as long as you disclose this. Not informing your viewers that a company paid you to form a restricted and limited opinion IS illegal.

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Dem quote trees...Also selnor makin dat bank!!! :p

Im removing myself from discussion on this thread. Its a propaganda thread. Thanks for everyones time.

Lol at the size of those quote trees, I love the fact that ioi apparently came in here and said that this is perfectly legal and fine... well he didn't, but if you read between the lines and some lines which are not there that is exactly what was said.

For 4000dollars tho I don't think Microsoft could have came up with a better way to get themselves some advertising! Everyones talking about the thing, there isn't a blogger on youtube that doesn't have something to say about it since it effects all of their views if a case of their opinions being bought unbeknownst to the viewer exists.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Mr Puggsly said:
whatever said:

It's called reading comprehension.  You should try it.

So reading a few things makes you a legal expert?

That's news to me.

You need to be a legal expert to understand the law?  That's news to me.

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whatever said:

You need to be a legal expert to understand the law?  That's news to me.

I doubt you have a great understanding of the law, I think you just read some opinions.

I don't feel MS did anything unetchical and we'll have to wait and see what becomes of this.

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