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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGChartz Greatest User Tournament 2013 - Stage 1 - Round 15

5p - Salnax
4p - AlphaCielago
3p - BenVTrigger
2p - JohnLucas
1p - archbrix (I don't know you, sorry )

Around the Network

5p - Archbrix
4p - Salnax
3p - Alphacielago
2p - BenVTrigger
1p - JohnLucas

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Lucas made one of the most iconic threads of the year. So, props to him for that.

5p - Salnax
4p - Alphacielago
3p - Archbrix
2p - BenVTrigger
1p - JohnLucas

5p - archbrix - Most active out of the bunch and a good user from what I can tell
4p - Salnax - Good contributor
3p - BenVTrigger - A good poster, but not as active
2p - AlphaCielago - I don't really know, but seen post occasionally
1p - JohnLucas - Not active


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence





1p-JohnLucas (I love that you're a hard core Nintendo fan, but you have a hard time admitting when you're wrong. Plus you missed out on over half the year. Post more! )

Around the Network

5p - Salnax
4p BenV
3p Arch
2p Alpha

Dont be offended if youre lower in this one.  Tbh i dont really know Alpha, John, or Arch. Ive seen Arch and alpha before, just no interactions with them.

Salnax is th emost noticeable to me and a really good member.  BenV is also awesome, he just isnt active so i couldnt give him 5.


5p - Salnax
4p - Archbrix
3p - alphacielgo
2p - johnlucas
1p - BenVTrigger

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

5p - BenVTrigger
4p - alphacielgo
3p - Salnax
2p - Archbrix
1p - johnlucas


When will this tournament finish?!? It feels like its been going on forever!

Anyways, I don't recognize or remember most of those users in this round.
5p - BenVTrigger - Good user but hardly posts
4p - Salnax
3p - alphacielgo
2p - johnlucas
1p - Archbrix


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

5p- Salnax

4p- Archbrix

3p- Johnlucas

2p- AlphaCielgo

1p- BenVTrigger

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---