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Forums - General Discussion - The "Encourage Guest to become Members" thread

I get sad everytime I see guest that don't sign up & participate. It's like hiding a great idea, you're preventing something good. So I made this thread to encourage all guest to become a member. You can post about anything you want to talk about. Come on, we won't bite. Except maybe OkeyDokey, because he's hungry.

Around the Network

I remember I did a thread like this and It attracted 5 new sign ups, I'm still waiting for my paypal from ioi.

oh. oh. OH!!! Why don't we offer a deal....

Hey Guests.. ioi will give you a 60" sony plasma + PS3 (increasing its sales) completely free if you sign up now!!!!

(poor ioi)

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

Magera said:
oh. oh. OH!!! Why don't we offer a deal....

Hey Guests.. ioi will give you a 60' sony plasma + PS3 (increasing its sales) completely free if you sign up now!!!!

(poor ioi)


Good idea. ioi gets a lot of money from this site.

Agreed, too many guests not enough members.

Come on people, you know you waaanaaaaa.

Around the Network
RCTjunkie said:
Magera said:
oh. oh. OH!!! Why don't we offer a deal....

Hey Guests.. ioi will give you a 60' sony plasma + PS3 (increasing its sales) completely free if you sign up now!!!!

(poor ioi)


Good idea. ioi gets a lot of money from this site.

I don't know about that... I ran a site with just under 800 members with tens of thosands of hits a week and I was running it at a loss....


He would have to have about 500K hits a day to be a money making extravagansa!    and I doubt that's happening atm.

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!

I will bake each and every guest who joins a COOKIE!!! Then I'll send you an e-mail of me eating it.


All VGCharterz welcome!!!
PSN: Al_Kickurass, Official Warhawk League Thread!!!->
kasillas88 said:
I will bake each and every guest who joins a COOKIE!!! Then I'll send you an e-mail of me eating it.

I'd sign up to see you eat a cookie.

Was anyone else on earlier when it said that there were -1 guests on? O_o

Join now! >_>;

kasillas88 said:
I will bake each and every guest who joins a COOKIE!!! Then I'll send you an e-mail of me eating it.

Flip... you ganna get fat!  I'd sign up 10,000 accounts just to see you eat all them cookies!! LOL

It's me...  no really, it IS me!!!