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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why the hell does the Internet have a vendetta against Nintendo?

Carl2291 said:
Nintendo went from being industry dominating with the Wii to being virtually irrelevant with the Wii U.

Look back to the launch of the PS3 and Sony's problems. You will see the exact same thing. Its not an anti-Nintendo thing, its news that you dont/shouldnt expect to be hearing. Going from record shattering highs to record shattering lows isnt the norm and serious problems are there for all to see. Its gonna be a big talking point when the competition is seemingly doing so well in comparison.

If it happened two generations in a row, can you really say it's "not the norm"?

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kowenicki said:
Nintendo is in financial decline... Are you seriously disagreeing with this?

That is newsworthy... Its a big story.

Having literally billions of dollars in their coffers does not equal being in "financial decline". There is a massive difference between "we set our sales forecast too high and now have to backtrack" vs. "we're bleeding money and in danger of backruptcy".


3DS is making them $$$$$ out the ass. Especially Pokemon, which continues to be a monster. People are taking these report numbers far too seriously. Is it bad news? Yes. Is it such bad news that people need to freak out like a bunch of witless morons all across the internet, because the fucking sky is falling?



DevilRising said:
kowenicki said:
Nintendo is in financial decline... Are you seriously disagreeing with this?

That is newsworthy... Its a big story.

3DS is making them $$$$$ out the ass. Especially Pokemon, which continues to be a monster. People are taking these report numbers far too seriously. Is it bad news? Yes. Is it such bad news that people need to freak out like a bunch of witless morons all across the internet, because the fucking sky is falling?


The 3DS is making them so much money that it negates their losses!.. wait.. what?

last I checked they were seeing losses even with the sales of the 3DS factored in.

Vendetta you say ...


The PS5 Exists. 

it's probably because if you remember back when the wii u was announced nintendo said that this was going to be a console for the hardcore that it was gonna have the same 3rd party support as playstation and xbox and i'm not so sure about this one but i think they might of said that the wii u was going to be as powerfull as the ps4 and xbox however those were all lies and to this date it still is

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waltz said:
it's probably because if you remember back when the wii u was announced nintendo said that this was going to be a console for the hardcore that it was gonna have the same 3rd party support as playstation and xbox and i'm not so sure about this one but i think they might of said that the wii u was going to be as powerfull as the ps4 and xbox however those were all lies and to this date it still is

As were the promises on third party titles that would end up almost all being pushed back, many still not released.

Because the internet feeds off bad news. Stop fretting over it...

Zero999 said:

It's not the internet. it's just that nintendo have many haters. probably a case of the fox and the grapes. they want nintendo games but don't want their consoles because of no reason.

lol because of no reason? If that were the case it'd be selling better. You don't have come up with some inventive stuff Zero.


Seece said:
Zero999 said:

It's not the internet. it's just that nintendo have many haters. probably a case of the fox and the grapes. they want nintendo games but don't want their consoles because of no reason.

lol because of no reason? If that were the case it'd be selling better. You don't have come up with some inventive stuff Zero.

Where are the 100 million happy Wii owners?, drumroll please.

Its all about the money, so when you start bleeding money then expect the sharks to start pouncing.