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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Iwata: "we´re thinking about a new business structure"

Barozi said:
Zero999 said:

"On Friday, the company slashed its annual Wii U sales forecast from 9 million to 2.8 million units "

wich forecast is this, exactly? because wii u already got those 2.8M in the fiscal year.

It's Nintendo's own forecast and no they haven't achieved that.

Q1 - 0.16m
Q2 - 0.30m
Q3 - to be announced Jan 29

So they got 460k, which means 2.34m left for Q3 and Q4 to reach the target.

It looks like they sold 751k in the US for Oct-Dec (50k Oct, 220k Nov, 481k Dec). 

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"The company also drastically reduced its upcoming Wii U sales forecast, dropping it from 9 million to just 2.8 million -- a 70% reduction -- and conceded that the holiday season was a bust. With this announcement, the company now expects to have life-to-date Wii U sales of 6.25 million units by March 31. The PS4, by comparison, sold 4.2 million units in just six weeks, while the Xbox One moved 3 million in that time. The Wii U was released in November of 2012."

To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M

benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

Every serious gamer should go and buy a Wii U right now to support a thriving multi-console industry. I would hate to see the same games just released on different systems with only a handful of exclusives. Great hardware concepts equal great experiences, not hardware specs. Wii games were great because of the hardware design not specs. Spec dont mean anything if the design of the game is just not revolutionary or thought provoking. No one can discount that Wii U games are good and there are plenty of them that you can't get anywhere else, and you can play "me too" software like AC4 and COD Ghost, but without the gamepad there wouldn't be concept that other companies copied like second screen/offplay with smart glass or vita. Admit it those ideas were first brought to the mainstream by nintendo risking things. Wonderful 101, is like nothing else out there and its awesome. When Sega left consoles I almost died as a gamer if nintendo is out I'm just going to give it up completely with new games and play the old stuff I have. Without creativity its as dead as todays movies. Same stuff just a new year. Todays brand loyalty kills creativity and zaps the fun out of most releases. I own almost every console and the Wii U gets the most play time because the games show the most creativity by the developers. 

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drake4 said:
benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

You have been saying this since dinosaurs were extinct and you keep holding this stupid idea, even after everyone saying this is stupid. I'm not defending nintendo nor I'm not a nintendo fanboy, but you really should take a deep read on what is gaming market before saying these things. If you want to play nintendo games, buy a damm nintendo console, that is not hard. And why they should go third party after the huge sucess of the wii/DS?. By your logic, they should've go 3rd party after the Gamecube, and we know what came after the Gamecube...

Some times people refuse to use their brain... that is annoying. Is is not '' blind vision by a fanboy'' it is market logic: financial reserve due to the wii fad.

Most antecipated games: Mario Kart 8 and Warlords of Draenor.

I'm not saying they should do this but what if they released an official Nintendo controller for the iPhone? Which came with a specific Nintendo app that let you play Nintendo legacy games and only allowed you to play with the controller connected?

At $60 a pop they could sell millions and millions of them.

jrRodney said:
Every serious gamer should go and buy a Wii U right now to support a thriving multi-console industry. I would hate to see the same games just released on different systems with only a handful of exclusives. Great hardware concepts equal great experiences, not hardware specs. Wii games were great because of the hardware design not specs. Spec dont mean anything if the design of the game is just not revolutionary or thought provoking. No one can discount that Wii U games are good and there are plenty of them that you can't get anywhere else, and you can play "me too" software like AC4 and COD Ghost, but without the gamepad there wouldn't be concept that other companies copied like second screen/offplay with smart glass or vita. Admit it those ideas were first brought to the mainstream by nintendo risking things. Wonderful 101, is like nothing else out there and its awesome. When Sega left consoles I almost died as a gamer if nintendo is out I'm just going to give it up completely with new games and play the old stuff I have. Without creativity its as dead as todays movies. Same stuff just a new year. Todays brand loyalty kills creativity and zaps the fun out of most releases. I own almost every console and the Wii U gets the most play time because the games show the most creativity by the developers. 

im a serious gamer and i will NOT buy a system with no games i want to play for hundreds of dollars out of pity. Buy two for the both of us.

Corvo said:
drake4 said:
benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

You have been saying this since dinosaurs were extinct and you keep holding this stupid idea, even after everyone saying this is stupid. I'm not defending nintendo nor I'm not a nintendo fanboy, but you really should take a deep read on what is gaming market before saying these things. If you want to play nintendo games, buy a damm nintendo console, that is not hard. And why they should go third party after the huge sucess of the wii/DS?. By your logic, they should've go 3rd party after the Gamecube, and we know what came after the Gamecube...

Some times people refuse to use their brain... that is annoying. Is is not '' blind vision by a fanboy'' it is market logic: financial reserve due to the wii fad.

wii is a fad,  it's not a concept that can keep on selling, nintedno hit the lottery in 2006, but technology has advanced so much thats almost impossible for nintedno to come up with something like that again imo, virtual boy and the gampad, have been huge failure, third party support are done with nintedno consoles, what's nintendo only hope, to come up with a new fad that can sell millions, which is easier said then done, while sony and microsft have every developer working for them that can make the next big game to sell 10-20 million consoles

drake4 said:
Corvo said:
drake4 said:
benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

You have been saying this since dinosaurs were extinct and you keep holding this stupid idea, even after everyone saying this is stupid. I'm not defending nintendo nor I'm not a nintendo fanboy, but you really should take a deep read on what is gaming market before saying these things. If you want to play nintendo games, buy a damm nintendo console, that is not hard. And why they should go third party after the huge sucess of the wii/DS?. By your logic, they should've go 3rd party after the Gamecube, and we know what came after the Gamecube...

Some times people refuse to use their brain... that is annoying. Is is not '' blind vision by a fanboy'' it is market logic: financial reserve due to the wii fad.

wii is a fad,  it's not a concept that can keep on selling, nintedno hit the lottery in 2006, but technology has advanced so much thats almost impossible for nintedno to come up with something like that again imo, virtual boy and the gampad, have been huge failure, third party support are done with nintedno consoles, what's nintendo only hope, to come up with a new fad that can sell millions, which is easier said then done, while sony and microsft have every developer working for them that can make the next big game to sell 10-20 million consoles

They failed so hard with WIIU that they sould feel ashamed for themselves. Thats what you get for not putting investment in advertisement and publicity. But the market ( the whole, not the gaming itself) is unstable, we can predicate somethings, but others with no rational arguments is stupidity. They are back to the normal ages. Following the steps of N64. GC, it is nintendo being ignorant and refusing to invest in third party+ strong console, it was always that. But these facots are not going to sink nintendo so hard that they will stop and say: Ok lets become 3rd party. They are software winners, not hardwares. As long they keep releasing games with quality that sells good and keep the HW on '''''' normal'''''' numbers ( for them) they wont take that suicidal step.

Really can't understand why you keep defending the idea of Ninty 3rd party. It would be the end of almost half good titles we know. As a guy who grew with these titles, and discovered the awesome from sony with their playstation, I can assume that true gamers would hate hard an epic Zelda game turning in a EA game level... because sorry my friends ... thats how 3rd parties work... they dont care for quality ( not all, just most of them)... they care for sucking all the money from you... sniff sniff.. capcom..

Most antecipated games: Mario Kart 8 and Warlords of Draenor.