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Corvo said:
drake4 said:
benji232 said:
To everyone saying that a Nintendo smartphone is a great idea, think again. Making a smartphone does not equate automatically to tons of sales (see blackberry). Also, lets be honnest, outside of the hardcore Nintendo fans, who would consider buying a Nintendo phone? I mean, most people who buy smartphones just see games as a bonus. Also, If Nintendo decided to release their own phone, they would have to start selling their games considerably cheaper then they are today.

These are just a few points off the top of my head. I am sorry, but I just cant see how Nintendo would benefit from releasing a smartphone.

focus on handhelds and become a thirdparty or second party, thats the solution for them.

You have been saying this since dinosaurs were extinct and you keep holding this stupid idea, even after everyone saying this is stupid. I'm not defending nintendo nor I'm not a nintendo fanboy, but you really should take a deep read on what is gaming market before saying these things. If you want to play nintendo games, buy a damm nintendo console, that is not hard. And why they should go third party after the huge sucess of the wii/DS?. By your logic, they should've go 3rd party after the Gamecube, and we know what came after the Gamecube...

Some times people refuse to use their brain... that is annoying. Is is not '' blind vision by a fanboy'' it is market logic: financial reserve due to the wii fad.

wii is a fad,  it's not a concept that can keep on selling, nintedno hit the lottery in 2006, but technology has advanced so much thats almost impossible for nintedno to come up with something like that again imo, virtual boy and the gampad, have been huge failure, third party support are done with nintedno consoles, what's nintendo only hope, to come up with a new fad that can sell millions, which is easier said then done, while sony and microsft have every developer working for them that can make the next big game to sell 10-20 million consoles