Jizz_Beard_thePirate said: Welp... I guess they made the same mistakes has Sony had when transitioning from SD to HD console... Except unlike Sony, their console is not as strong but its also not as hard to code for as the ps3 even though it is still harder than normal... I do have to wonder what "normal" is though, is it X86? Cause if it is.. than Lazy Developers... But if its being compared to the 360+ps3, then I guess not... Oh well, Nintendo will have to Carry their console again and get help for the Japanese Developers as well like how they are doing with Altus for SMT X FE and Hyrule Warriors and Sega, etc |
Which will all be unsurprisingly be rather mediocre games. Although I do have hope for SMT X FE, really want to see footage of that game.