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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did DMC4 360 really outsell the PS3 version in EU?

MikeB said:
Townzy_89 said:
kamil said:
Are you kidding? The UK is by far the biggest console videogame market overthere. Also although Mrstickball was being cautious in his numbers (probably to not set off insecure fanboys) the truth is that DMC4 360 is outselling it's PS3 counterpart in the UK by 2:1.

No, mrstickball wasn't cautious, he simply knew what he was saying. Exact ratio was 61:39.

i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version.

A release date for the PC version is yet to be announced.

 ok then, but my point still stands, i would think 100k is not very far off (3m userbase in uk) so it would still be 61k to 39k

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@ Townzy_89

DMC4 may be more relatively more popular in the UK, but the 360/PS3 install base ratios are better for the PS3 in other European regions, so that's also a factor. For Japan we know PS3 versions of games sell a lot better than you would assume based on the ratio difference of install base.

Either way according to Capcom's execs VGChartz isn't very accurate, so IMO we should try to help and improve things.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

ok mike, last post in this thread.

we dont have any reports of ratios in any other markets. i was showing you it is possible for 360 to outsell/match PS3 version.

although PS3 has beaten it in alot of markets, making this thread not outrages but i still believe it is not needed, i would agree with you posting this as a discussion topic if 360 sold 10 - 20k more.

but as it seems PS3 should have much better legs as its sales are over many counties, and 360's are solely in UK so a bigger drop would be expected. we should start seeing that effect when sales are out soon and more so next week.. unless 360 in uk holds really well

madskillz said:
LOL at the folks that continue to present info to MikeB ...

See wall - lower head - accelerate - ram at full force - to get the same effect as arguing with him.

Why is it a shocker if the 360 version outsold the PS3 version? Are folks so blind to think that 'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Deal with it - Japan is the only reason why it outsold the 360 version anyhow. And trust me - I would rather have the small load times vs. a mandatory install to play the game. I am surprised that many PS3 owners even bought the game.

It isnt a shock that the 360 version outsold the PS3 version .Basically because it didnt .

The 60-40% difference in the UK is more than compensated by the PS3 game wiping the floor with the 360 version all along the rest of Europe .Not "because-because-because DMC1 ,DMC2 and DMC3 were on tah Playstation " but because the PS3 version ranks high in all the individual european charts and the 360 version is always lower or doesnt even appear in the top ten .Straight facts .

I trust you that you prefer waiting for the game to load every time you exit and area vs the install time .But that doesnt say anything good about you and doesnt translate into the mass media sharing your bizarre opinions .

The PS3 version sold more ,just accept it .

@ Townzy_89

'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Just to add to these 61 vs 39% sales figures. According to VGChartz the 360 install base is still about twice the size of the PS3 install base within the UK, solely based on that figure the 360 version should have sold ~66.7% of total DMC4 sales, but it didn't so DMC4 seems to be more popular amongst UK PS3 gamers than amongst UK 360 gamers.

Please excuse my focuss on statistics, it's because of my educational background. It's also one of the reasons why VGChartz interests me.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version. so im willing to bet its closer to 2:1 than 1.5:1.

PC version isn't released yet. It doesn't even have a release date for Europe. So it's 61 vs 39.

100k for UK is possible (acording to ioi game sold more than 400k in US), so 39k for PS3 version goint by your logic, right? It may be hard for you to belive that PS3 sold 20k more than Xbox360 in Europe but I find it possible as gap between PS3 and X360 is widening fast in continental Europe and PS3 now wins even in countries considered as X360 strongholds (like Sweden or Netherlands). Remember that Ps3 userbase outside UK is 3 times as big that the one in UK.

Sure, one spot in countries like Sweden or Netherlands may not be a big deal but why didn't you comment on Germany? It's the second biggest European market we have data for and difference between PS3 version (3rd and 7th place) and X360 (out of top 10) is rather big.

I'm not sure where you got information that DMC4 is more popular in UK than other counties. Well, at least PS3 version is doing as good outside UK as it does in UK. It took 3rd place in Nehterlands, 3rd place in Germany and 1st place in Sweden compared to only 4th place in UK. So maybe 50% of X360 DMC4 was sold in UK but I doubt that PS3 version didn't sell more than half outside UK.

Diomedes1976 said:
madskillz said:
LOL at the folks that continue to present info to MikeB ...

See wall - lower head - accelerate - ram at full force - to get the same effect as arguing with him.

Why is it a shocker if the 360 version outsold the PS3 version? Are folks so blind to think that 'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Deal with it - Japan is the only reason why it outsold the 360 version anyhow. And trust me - I would rather have the small load times vs. a mandatory install to play the game. I am surprised that many PS3 owners even bought the game.

It isnt a shock that the 360 version outsold the PS3 version .Basically because it didnt .

The 60-40% difference in the UK is more than compensated by the PS3 game wiping the floor with the 360 version all along the rest of Europe .Not "because-because-because DMC1 ,DMC2 and DMC3 were on tah Playstation " but because the PS3 version ranks high in all the individual european charts and the 360 version is always lower or doesnt even appear in the top ten .Straight facts .

I trust you that you prefer waiting for the game to load every time you exit and area vs the install time .But that doesnt say anything good about you and doesnt translate into the mass media sharing your bizarre opinions .

The PS3 version sold more ,just accept it .

Dude ... maybe a coorespondence course in basic grammar and reading comprehension would help you to not just read over things. You phail.

MikeB said:
@ Townzy_89

DMC4 may be more relatively more popular in the UK, but the 360/PS3 install base ratios are better for the PS3 in other European regions, so that's also a factor. For Japan we know PS3 versions of games sell a lot better than you would assume based on the ratio difference of install base.

Either way according to Capcom's execs VGChartz isn't very accurate, so IMO we should try to help and improve things.

Ok, either you are gonna go with the Capcom numbers or the Vgchart numbers. Pick your venom and go. If you think Capcom is correct, why don't you join their forums? I am sure you will be welcomed over there.

Au revoir ...

MikeB said:
@ Townzy_89

'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Just to add to these 61 vs 39% sales figures. According to VGChartz the 360 install base is still about twice the size of the PS3 install base within the UK, solely based on that figure the 360 version should have sold ~66.7% of total DMC4 sales, but it didn't so DMC4 seems to be more popular amongst UK PS3 gamers than amongst UK 360 gamers.

Please excuse my focuss on statistics, it's because of my educational background. It's also one of the reasons why VGChartz interests me.

Maybe it has something to do with DMC being a Playstation centric franchise?  Or maybe, just maybe it's that the larger the installed base the lower the percentage of users that buy a particular game.  That would explain why there is apparently no PS2 games that sold ~30 million to compare with the 6.5 million Halo sold on the original Xbox.

So MikeB was right then...