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i havent read that link but i did read a report on a gaming site that said 61% to 360 version and 39% to PS3 & PC version. so im willing to bet its closer to 2:1 than 1.5:1.

PC version isn't released yet. It doesn't even have a release date for Europe. So it's 61 vs 39.

100k for UK is possible (acording to ioi game sold more than 400k in US), so 39k for PS3 version goint by your logic, right? It may be hard for you to belive that PS3 sold 20k more than Xbox360 in Europe but I find it possible as gap between PS3 and X360 is widening fast in continental Europe and PS3 now wins even in countries considered as X360 strongholds (like Sweden or Netherlands). Remember that Ps3 userbase outside UK is 3 times as big that the one in UK.

Sure, one spot in countries like Sweden or Netherlands may not be a big deal but why didn't you comment on Germany? It's the second biggest European market we have data for and difference between PS3 version (3rd and 7th place) and X360 (out of top 10) is rather big.

I'm not sure where you got information that DMC4 is more popular in UK than other counties. Well, at least PS3 version is doing as good outside UK as it does in UK. It took 3rd place in Nehterlands, 3rd place in Germany and 1st place in Sweden compared to only 4th place in UK. So maybe 50% of X360 DMC4 was sold in UK but I doubt that PS3 version didn't sell more than half outside UK.