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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Double Wii-k in Review podcast F5 Wii game-720p?,HOLYCRAPWii games, Pikmin)

@Soriku - Thanks for posting this summary! Some interesting stuff there. "-NCAA Football for Wii. EA starting to put more faith into Wii. Tiger Woods selling like crazy." Now this has been bothering me for some time. TigerWoods '07 was consistantly on the charts selling 9-10k a week. As soon as '08 came out, the sales were split for a bit between '07 and '08 but according to VGC TW'08 never even sells enough to even make the top 200. Why? This comment here suggests VGC may be missing this game's sales somehow.


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I want Brawl now! and a Star Fox Wii game!

Gamerace said:
@Soriku - Thanks for posting this summary! Some interesting stuff there. "-NCAA Football for Wii. EA starting to put more faith into Wii. Tiger Woods selling like crazy." Now this has been bothering me for some time. TigerWoods '07 was consistantly on the charts selling 9-10k a week. As soon as '08 came out, the sales were split for a bit between '07 and '08 but according to VGC TW'08 never even sells enough to even make the top 200. Why? This comment here suggests VGC may be missing this game's sales somehow.

I don't think VGC tracks it anymore, whic his odd because I keep hearing how well it's supposed to be selling.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

So many games to get this year. SSBB, MKWii, Okami, Pikmin 3, D:DOC, Kirby Wii, and Wii Fit from what we know.

It's possible Factor 5 could make the game run in 720p. I still think the game is obviously Pilot Wings. Which will be awesome! I was a huge fan of the SNES game!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

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Onyxmeth said:
Soriku said:

-Bozon: THQ does not have rights to all wrestlers they want for “No Mercy”. Game is pretty much “dead in the water.” “Not gonna happen anytime soon.”-Matt.


When did the No Mercy revival become more than a rumor in EGM? Did THQ announce something when I wasn't looking? Also how can THQ not have the rights to the wrestlers they wanted? We're they planning on using wrestlers outside of the WWE?

 Last I heard they wanted to put it out on WiiWare with the current roster so that shouldn't be a problem if they get the WWE's approval. 

This rumor from IGN makes it sound like they were considering a VC rerelease which might be a problem depending on the contracts they had since a lot of the wrestlers in that game are no longer affiliated with the WWE.

I say screw the VC idea and just put the same game out with the current 08 roster on WiiWare.

I imagine a 720p game might work if it had very few things on the screen at once. Maybe puzzle games and stuff, but I honestly don't care for HD.

I'm very happy to hear about Pikmin 3. Hopefully it'll be the next big game from Nintendo after Mario Kart, and arrive by the end of the year. A co-op mode for the main game would make me a happy, happy camper.

I've never been into Animal Crossing or Pikmin, but I'd love a proper Kirby game. Hope it's out this year.


ClaudeLv250 said:
I thought it was already well established that at least the development kits could do 720p.

 Yes, we have always known that the Wii can do 720.  However, there is concern that too many other things would have to be simplified or taken out.


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Yeah, after IGN's first podcast about Brawl it was clear that their editors know nothing about Smash and really shouldn't be reviewing it.